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Man if I could turn back the clock I could lift a house right now but it's too late! But I can lift a trailer
Anyway, what do you think are best tricep and bicep routines for explosive arms. I love weighted dip for tris but just wondering what you like.
well dont do bi's and tri's together...
- tricep extension (behind back with 1 dumbell/2hands and with preacherbar)
-skull crushers (with preacher bar)
-weighted dips
-sometimes close grip bench
AND if your lucky and your gym has pullies...do those too
-hammer curls
-preacher curls
-concentration curls
AND if your gym has pullies do supermans
choose 3 excercises 2-3 sets of reps between 12-14
so week 1; monday- bicep/back= hammercurls, preacher, concentration curls
tuesday- tricep/chest= extensions, close grip bench, weighted dips
week2 sunday; bicep/back= preacher, concentration, negatives
monday; tricep/chest= weighted dips, extensions, skull crushers
hopefully that wasnt confusing