Why we are losing the war in Iraq...


Originally Posted by Darthtang AW
And people say public education is just fine the way it is............
I couldn't agree more!!

aztec reef

Active Member
So then is it controlled by the Jews??? if the Goverment doesn't ! who does? The american peeps?? try that for Education!! You guy's are out dated..You probably are the kind that thinks christopher columbus dicovered America,Or that the World is flat!!

aztec reef

Active Member

Originally Posted by rbaldino
Aztec, all I can say is that you should really crack a book, perhaps enroll in a college class or two, and stop trying to educate yourself with YouTube. As it is now, I feel like I'm beating up a disabled kid.

take that back and maybe you could use some History classes.. So you know journalism..Whoop tee--doo..(good for you, puppet!) what else do you know? Earthling!!!
The funny thing is that you guys keep making fun of youtube, Yet that's where the "real" people questions come from on the Presidential Debates!! Remember? Now that's some funny stuff...lmao
Educated hu.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Aztec Reef
... Earthling!!!....
At the risk of throwing this thread further off course...
Aztec, if you call someone an Earthling, what do you call yourself?

aztec reef

Active Member
Here's a question..Why doesn't the media talk about the monthly death toll of troops like they used to??? I'm sure there's people dying down there DAILY!!!!!
here's a clue: maybe cause it doesn't help the Goverment does it????


Active Member
Originally Posted by Aztec Reef
Here's a question..Why doesn't the media talk about the monthly death toll of troops like they used to??? I'm sure there's people dying down there DAILY!!!!!
here's a clue: maybe cause it doesn't help the Goverment does it????
Turn off YouTube, tune into CNN, and I'm sure you'll hear about it daily.
No one takes you seriously Aztec. For your own good, just stop posting before you make yourself look even dumber or offend some "Earthling" or "Jew" and get yourself banned.

aztec reef

Active Member
Did i said i cared about what you think!, i'm telling the Thruth and facts.. I don't know what you're talking about? did you take your meds today? All the youtube videos that i showed are of CNN,FOX news and other major media companies that you can only dream about working at.I'm schooling you..
You are showing your true colors by arguing about nonsense!!
Remenber: we're talkiing about the War in Iraq and How the Goverment hides the Truth from you peeps.. Can you hang? Lets try to be Adults here for a second..
Here's another Huge lie that you'll eventually figure out..If your capable..
Lies,Lies ,Lies...and more lies..


Active Member
Originally Posted by Aztec Reef
Did i said i cared about what you think!, i'm telling the Thruth and facts.. I don't know what you're talking about? did you take your meds today? All the youtube videos that i showed are of CNN,FOX news and other major media companies that you can only dream about working at.I'm schooling you..
You are showing your true colors by arguing about nonsense!!
Remenber: we're talkiing about the War in Iraq and How the Goverment hides the Truth from you peeps.. Can you hang? Lets try to be Adults here for a second..
Here's another Huge lie that you'll eventually figure out..If your capable..
Keep going Aztec. At any minute those evil government agents should be knocking on your door. Or worse...


Active Member
Originally Posted by rbaldino
Turn off YouTube, tune into CNN, and I'm sure you'll hear about it daily.
No one takes you seriously Aztec. For your own good, just stop posting before you make yourself look even dumber or offend some "Earthling" or "Jew" and get yourself banned.
I'm not sure which is worse cnn or utube.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Oceansidefish
This has actually recieved little to no media attention as far as I have seen. From all accounts and reports I have heard it has been the hounding of the media by the family to get them to even question it. There are a few radio talk show hosts on it but thats about it. The biggest break in this was a soldier who gave a report on the incident and later found out his story had been changed by an unknown party... That's what I get for being a dork and watching CSPAN2 with like 12 other people in this country. It's intersting stuff and if you are looking for the facts there they are.
Oh and by the way I have a fun new CSPAN drinking game for all you other dorks. Watch all the hearings and for every "i dont recall" you have to do a shot!
The reason why pat hasn't recieved that much attention is because that is a two year old story, about 3 or 4 months after he died, they had several stories about it being friendly fire. Poor guy, my hats off to him.


Active Member
I somehow have a picture of someone with their fingers in their ears repeatedly chanting 'I can't hear you"

darthtang aw

Active Member
Someone please punch me in the face, because if Atec is serious, I feel Rosie O'Donnell may have found her soulmate........That thought is hurting my head.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darthtang AW
Someone please punch me in the face, because if Atec is serious, I feel Rosie O'Donnell may have found her soulmate........That thought is hurting my head.
Oh, he's serious. I don't think he has any interest in mating with an Earthling, though.

aztec reef

Active Member
that's right!! And they don't teach you that at schools..Just remember me.. And when the Goverment comes out and tells the Thruth..DO NOT>>i repeat>>DO NOT say that you guys discovered UFO/Aliens...Don't play the same game of Chistopher columbus..That he "discovered America" Please Don't!! Don't be Genocidal Generation...
As far as the secrets and the media..that's right get it straight and just think about what the CIA<FBI< And the Goverment are not releasing to you peeps..Unless you're an Intelligence Agent, then you know what i'm talking about...If not then you're Clueless

Show me some facts on who controls the media..Or how much we're winning the war!! I want to know the monthly death toll and What acomplishments have been done since, Lets say last two years!!!Come on!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Aztec Reef
that's right!! And they don't teach you that at schools..Just remember me.. And when the Goverment comes out and tells the Thruth..DO NOT>>i repeat>>DO NOT say that you guys discovered UFO/Aliens...Don't play the same game of Chistopher columbus..That he "discovered America" Please Don't!! Don't be Geonocidal Generation...
As far as the secrets and the media..that's right get it straight and just think about what the CIA<FBI< And the Goverment are not releasing to you peeps..Unless you're an Intelligence Agent, then you know what i'm talking about...If not then you're Clueless

Show me some facts on who controls the media..Or how much we're winning the war!! I want to know the monthly death toll and What acomplishments have been done since, Lets say last two years!!!Come on!!

I sense that somebody's a little upset about Columbus...


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
The Columbus thing is so silly... Of course Columbus didn't discover North America; The Vikings did...

Are you sure it wasn't aliens?

aztec reef

Active Member
Then why don't they teach that at schools, And how come nobody talks about the aztecs and mayans being civilized since before 1195..Chistopher columbus gave the Natives the name Indians cause he tought he was in India when he first arrived in "America"....and he wasn't even in North america he was in the south my friends....
The Aztecs were far more civilized in Astronomy then the Euros..the Euros where still in the dark!!!And the aztecs already were figuring out planets back then... Thus why UFO's like mexico cause they were the first civililized tribe on earth(at least in the west continent).. Also it wasn't America it was Anahuactl..(Aztec for "land by the two seas") If you have notice NASA still follows the aztec calendar..cause its accuracy...
Do i have to school you guys some more:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=etg9ExbIJus
Here's a little history on Columbus..Barney stylehttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kuvRFZ4Mxbo
Note: the world is not coming to an end on 2012,Although the Thruth will come out and there will be a big change....

Aliens are not gods!! they're god-made, but they aint gods! They may be Intelligent and millions of year advanced but they do not have God powers!