Why we needed AZ immigration law 1070 in AZ


Active Member
Looks like Rand Paul has the right idea. If elected, he wants to pass a bill that will no longer allow children born to illegal immigrants while living in the US, from getting automatic citizenship. Unfortunately, it vilolates the 14th Amendment, so the chance of that happening is probably nil to none.


Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm
Looks like Rand Paul has the right idea. If elected, he wants to pass a bill that will no longer allow children born to illegal immigrants while living in the US, from getting automatic citizenship. Unfortunately, it vilolates the 14th Amendment, so the chance of that happening is probably nil to none.
Perhaps getting the case back before the supreme court would do it. It was a major stretch by the court to apply the 14th to illegals so you never know.


Originally Posted by Darthtang AW
No, scottnlisa just aren't able to read the english language very well............
Excuse me? what happened to nice healthy debate I believe that was a shot against our intelligence. I guess only those with your views has intelligence. have the guts to say it to my face !
your arguing political issues on a FISH forum; now who looks stupid if you had moxy you'd be on a real political forum.


I hope the law is shut down, it's racial profiling and as I've said before I'd rather live next door to an illegal alien than a racist anyday. I agree there has to be a better way to solve this problem. Presidents past havetried to solve this problem as well why they waited for the Obama administration to introduce this law I don't know it almost seems Racist that they did introduce this law when a black president is in office just to thumb their noses up. I think if you want to live in this country do it legally and learn the language first I don't know why people cross over illegally when there in a process in place to obtain a green card.


Active Member
Originally Posted by scottnlisa
I hope the law is shut down, it's racial profiling and as I've said before I'd rather live next door to an illegal alien than a racist anyday. I agree there has to be a better way to solve this problem. Presidents past havetried to solve this problem as well why they waited for the Obama administration to introduce this law I don't know it almost seems Racist that they did introduce this law when a black president is in office just to thumb their noses up. I think if you want to live in this country do it legally and learn the language first I don't know why people cross over illegally when there in a process in place to obtain a green card.
I guess like Obama and Holder you haven't read the law.
Your assertions of racism are rediculous. Nobody has proposed cutting down on the number of LEGAL immigrants allowed into the country from "latino" countries. Just because the majority of people breaking the law to come here happen to be a different race doesn't make it racist to wish to stop them. It's called law enforcement.