xbox 360


yeah thats usually how it went for me lol.... i spent so much time on that game. it was fun though. DIE FETCHER!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by notenoraa
well thats the beauty of it.. i dont like playing a game where if i sit at it i can beat the damn thing within 8 hours. I want a game that takes more like 36+ hours to be considered progress. Its a very open ended game. Lots of paths you can take. I hate walking though, I hope oblivion has some sort of horse or something i can use.
I'll tell you a great combo I used because I hated walking everywhere... Get yourself a little bit of cash and trap a monster in a stone. Get a levitate spell... enchant anything with 1 levitation.. no point in going higher than 1 it'll just cost a ton of money. Then go find yourself the boots of blinding speed.. obtained by a small side quest. Equip both of these together and you'll be traveling around the map at superman speed. ((((Warning though.. save before you use this combo because you'll go through the map so fast that sometimes the system cannot handle it and it'll crash
About the other guy picking thief and trying to steal and getting pwned.... you were probably low level and low at stealing skill... you cant expect to be the alpha-omega when you first start any RPG :) ... We all didnt beat Emerald Weapon at level 10....


boots of blinding speed make you blind!!! i tried that. Whe i really needed to get somewhere fast i just used the setlevel code for athletics.


Active Member
It doesnt make you completely blind. If you appear to be totally blind then just adjust the contrast of your tv set.


Active Member
You guys would love my job, i get to play video games all day if i want to, not that i want to...........


Active Member
Originally Posted by snailheave
my morrowind experience:
tried to be a thief, tried to pick some woman elf's pocket, she caught me and attacked me, i ran, she outran me, i fought back, some other citizens saw me attack her and aided her.
me died.
<uninstall> why I love you!!


Active Member
I myself love
Dark Watch
Halo2 Love the double gun action!!!!
I just bought Doom3 and am still having a problem with the Controller. Does opposite of what you want it to do!
Area 51 took awhile for me to warm up to it.
Now I am playing The Nightmare Before know you have something smart to say to that last game!!
I have issues with Killing games though.....I really, truly love killing my HUSBAND!!!!!'
It is the best feeling in the world!! Cause you know....I won't go to jail and all!


Active Member
Ok they have different colored face plates to go on them!!!
Ok husband wants to know will you be able to play the old games on the new one??


Active Member
I know it does cause all you have to do is go to the website and it tells you!!!!
Weird huh how websites tell you things!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by keleighr why I love you!!
i am glad my sorry existence in morrowind amuzez joo such


Active Member
Originally Posted by keleighr
I myself love
Dark Watch
Halo2 Love the double gun action!!!!
I just bought Doom3 and am still having a problem with the Controller. Does opposite of what you want it to do!
Area 51 took awhile for me to warm up to it.
Now I am playing The Nightmare Before know you have something smart to say to that last game!!
I have issues with Killing games though.....I really, truly love killing my HUSBAND!!!!!'
It is the best feeling in the world!! Cause you know....I won't go to jail and all!
another gamer chic !?


Active Member
Originally Posted by snailheave
another gamer chic !?

No one in my family will play Halo2 with me anymore, totally cruel and mean punishment.
You gotta try Dark Watch. You get to decide wether to be good or evil. I already did the Good route now I am on the Bad route to see what happens. Being bad seems to be a lot more fun!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by snailheave
i am glad my sorry existence in morrowind amuzez joo such

I just love your hionesty. Most folks like to play it up!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Cartman101
i rathher save the $350 and put it towards my tank!! :happyfish

I guess I am totally greedy and want both!!
Does that make me bad.................


Active Member
Originally Posted by keleighr
I guess I am totally greedy and want both!!
Does that make me bad.................

YEAH VERY BAD!!! :mad:
Just kiddin. I'm not a big gamer :happyfish


Active Member
Originally Posted by keleighr
I just love your hionesty. Most folks like to play it up!
i don't have an xbox, otherwise i would play online with joo


Active Member
my friend just sent a box from japan and he told me that his 360 is in there i cant believe that its still in the box. LOL