Yellow Tang Sick Someone Help Me Fast!!!!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by nofly45
reefker2 dude what did i do to u???
Originally Posted by nofly45
viral diease is real!!
yes viral diseases are real, there are more than one and nothing in any of his posts indicated that it was anything more than, A: improper acclimatio B: potentially poor water quality (since we dont know his parameters there is no knowing) C: stress
Originally Posted by nofly45

i thought youre temp. was supposed to be 85 are something
reef tanks are generally run about 75-82 degrees, if there was ammonia in his water and he cranked the temperature up the ammonia content would have turned more toxic, it was bad advice and I pointed that out.
Originally Posted by nofly45

can u please forgive and i was wondering how old he was because he said he was going to school... sorry

Whats to forgive? I dont hate you. I just think your a little too keyed up and need to be a little more sure of your responses (we all make mistakes). RELAX.


it just seems that you have no idea what you are talking about... yes we know that a viral diease is real... but what in the world would make you think that is what it is? I am sorry but you seem kind of weird... I hope this is some kind of joke.........


Active Member
Originally Posted by goonter
it just seems that you have no idea what you are talking about... yes we know that a viral diease is real... but what in the world would make you think that is what it is? I am sorry but you seem kind of weird... I hope this is some kind of joke.........
ok this isnt nice anymore nofly its fine dont worry about it


Active Member
Kinda new that already...No worries...Just chill a little...and take your time..No need to rush things..Just try to get your feet under ya...


is a 47 tall a good begginer tank??because i want to put a blue tang a pair of clown fish a yellow and a couple of cleaner shrimp??


Active Member
Originally Posted by nofly45
is a 47 tall a good begginer tank??because i want to put a blue tang a pair of clown fish a yellow and a couple of cleaner shrimp??
Blue tangs...Nope, Yellow tangs....Nope..Clownfish yep..Shrimp yup..


Active Member
3 post in a minute and a half....I answered the questions already...Noone is answering because they have grown tired of the relentless machine gun post...Tangs need a 125 or bigger for swimming room alone..


Hey Niger - where did you get that cool avatar... It kinda makes me thinks of revenge of the cats....


Active Member
Originally Posted by nofly45
what do u think reeffreak29?
what do i think ? i think a 47 gallon is way to small for any tang but the clowns and shrimp will do fine