Yellow tang with poor color?


Active Member
The 75 looked good, the 55 should be nicked-named the "Nuisance Forest" lol.
The yellow tang looks like it's getting picked on. I would remove the flame to the sump for a couple weeks and the damsel.


haha...the hair is hair alge....i think it kinda looks "cool"
the flame and damsel have since mellowed out.


Active Member
Just to see if there's any stray voltage in the water caused by a piece of equipment. Most people use a multimeter to test. Then look into replacing the equipment and adding a grounding probe (make sure you read up on the uses/effects of grounding probes though).


I think it is really funny personally that you take the advice of one person because it sounds good to you, and ignore the vast majority of people that answered you and the vast majority of people on this site that say otherwise from what you want to hear
Because I was able to provide actual evidence and sources for my claim. I'm afraid that "I've heard" doesn't count as evidence, which is what most "tang police" seem to go by.
To OP: this server has youtube blocked but I see AquaKnight said that it looked like the fish was being bullied. This very well may be the case, so keep an eye out for higher levels of aggression, and remove the angel if it occurs (or the tang, if you would rather).


Originally Posted by SlyCoolman
Because I was able to provide actual evidence and sources for my claim. I'm afraid that "I've heard" doesn't count as evidence, which is what most "tang police" seem to go by
Many others provide actual evidence as well, trust me, you aren't the only one. And furthermore, this forum provides enough evidence on it's own when people keeping tangs in too small of an environment have issues and post about it. I just think that you stating you are the only one with actual evidence is ridiculous. As for the "tang police" comment, god forbid anyone try and pass along common knowledge in order for other aquarists to be successful and have the fish live in an as stress free environment as possible.


Do you have any real (not anecdotal or "heard") evidence that an 'x' sized tank is too small for a tang?
TBH I think Scott Michael and Bob Fenner are ten times as experienced as any "tang police" claims to be on the matter. Their info pulls far more weight with me than some tang nazi.


Active Member
Well the general fish keeping comunity has given advice to the OP and the OP has given a stock list that is going to /If not already over crowd the tank .OP has asked about adding more fish was told it would not work ,But goes ahead anyways . Than Asks why is my fish pale . Is all over the place on how long they have had the fish , Then refuses to except any expliantion of what could be wrong . Then here comes somebody that is contredicting the whole comunity that has already given advice . Just because the fish physicaly fit in the tank does not mean they should be put in there . The Yellow tang is OBVIOUSLY suffering from stress . They don't just swim around all pale for no reaason . We are trying to help the OP regaurdless of weather or not they choose to be forth right with the information on the tank and fish . So I ask you this Slycoolman , Since your the only one bucking the advice given her in favor of trolling and calling us all the tang police and encouraging the OP . Where will you be when his fish dies ? What advice will you give him then so it doesnt happen again ? Will you shell out for a new fish for the OP ? I only ask because your advice is with out question BOLD . If the OP wants to take a books advice then by all means go that route but dont post questions and pick and choose answer you like .
I personaly would rather be considered tang police than a sad little troll .


I never said that I did personally, but the people that have been trying to help him are who I am talking about (i.e. 1journeyman, monk in another thread on the same subject), and I am sure they do, or have enough experience to know better. The OP chooses to argue with them, whom I trust and many others on this board, rather than take seasoned advice.


Originally Posted by SlyCoolman
TBH I think Scott Michael and Bob Fenner are ten times as experienced as any "tang police" claims to be on the matter. Their info pulls far more weight with me than some tang nazi.
Do you have something against giving fish the proper size home?


Since when am I the only one recommending these sizes?
From *****
Though Zebrasoma are somewhat smaller and less free-ranging than other Acanthurid species, these tangs require large amounts of tank space to be at their best. A fifty-gallon tank is the absolute smallest I'd keep one in.
and from the ULTIMATE tang police, ***** in a pinned topic (reference Scott Michael, Marine Fishes, 500+ Essential-To-Know Aquarium Species, Microcosm Ltd., 1999:)
# Acanthurus achilles, Achilles Surgeonfish, 100 gal (380l).
# Acanthurus coeruleus, Atlantic Blue Tang, 75 gal (285l).
# Acanthurus japonicus, Powder Brown Tang, 75 gal (285l).
# Acanthurus leucosternon, Powder Blue Tang, 100 gal (380l).
# Acanthurus lineatus, Lined or Clown Surgeonfish, 180 gal (680l).
# Acanthurus nigricans, Whitecheek Surgeonfish, 75 gal (285l).
# Acanthurus olivaceus, Orangeshoulder Surgeonfish, 135 gal (510l).
# Acanthurus pyroferus, Mimic Surgeonfish, 75 gal (285l).
# Acanthurus sohal, Sohal Surgeonfish, 180 gal (680l).
# Acanthurus tristegus, Convict Surgeonfish, 75 gal (285l).
# Acanthurus tristis, Indian Mimic Surgeonfish, 75 gal (285l).
# Ctenochaetus hawaiiensis, Chevron Tang, 100 gal (380l).
# Ctenochaetus strigosus, Kole's Tang, 75 gal (285l).
# Naso brevirostris, Spotted Unicornfish, 180 gal (685l).
# Naso lituratus, Orangespine Unicornfish or Naso Tang, 135 gal (510l).
# Naso unicornis, Bluespine Unicornfish, 200 gal (760l).
# Paracanthurus hepatus, Pacific Blue Tang, 100 gal (380l).
# Zebrasoma desjardinii, Indian Ocean or Red Sea Sailfin Tang, 135 gal (510l).
# Zebrasoma flavescens, Yellow Tang, 75 gal (285l).
# Zebrasoma scopas, Brown Tang, 75 gal (285l).
# Zebrasoma veliferum, Sailfin Tang, 135 gal (510l).
# Zebrasoma xanthurum, Purple Tang, 100 gal (380l).


Wait folks, ther's more...
Please do not post links to other BB its against the board rules.
Wetwebmedia FAQs from different authors:
What is a good size tank for a yellow tang?
<I generally consider about 75gal as a minimum, but as they get larger a 6' long tank is really ideal to provide them with adequate swimming room.>
I always thought fish would stop growing once they reached a suitable size for the tank. How big do tangs get?
<This is one of the most widespread and unfortunate misconceptions in the hobby. All fish will grow to their maximum size as long as they are provided with enough food and good water quality. Yellow tangs will quickly grow to 5-6" and can reach 8"!>
Thanks! <Always a pleasure! Adam>

Hi,<Howdy, Cody here today.>
I have a 23 gallon Marine Aquarium, would this size suit a yellow tank juvenile about 1 inch, and if it does how long could I keep it in there for?
I have read a few of your FAQS and noticed that one person keeps a yellow tang in a 20 gallon tank? and a regal tang in a 20 gallon, how is this possible? <I would not recommend adding any tang to a system of less than 75 gal. and even then you have to be careful. You may be able to keep them in a smaller tank when they are small but not for long. Cody>
Regards Aaron.

Yellow Tang Query
Hi Jim,
Big thanks to you for clearing things up!! I have my tank set up, I cycled
using live sand and cured rock it happened quickly which just makes me leery
and the LFS. They checked my water to be sure, it was great he said, for
He said as everyone does "SLOWLY" add, he gave me snails for cleaning. He
said 1 fish (just one ;) I said no Damsels as no one ever seems to want to
keep them. I listed my ultimate preferences for occupants he said a tang
would be fine and quite hardy, I believe him. And I went with the smallest
version Yellow. He is on two days, happy camper he is, and a quite
friendly. LFS says wait at least two weeks before adding and only if
everything is perfect. Every thing is wonderful tank wise.
I am a wreck ;)
I am scared to death I'll kill him. What can I do now to insure his long
and happy life?
>>>Hello again!
Refresh my memory, how large is this tank again? Assuming it's at least 72 gallons, your job is simple. Anything smaller is too cramped for this fish long term.
Offer him dried seaweed such as Nori (soaked in Selcon every other time or so), high quality vegetarian fare such as Formula 2 and such. Keep up with the water changes, don't overcrowd the tank, and you're golden. :)
Feel free to pass your tank size, and list of desired occupants my way if you want more feedback.
Good luck!


Originally Posted by sexyshrimp101
I never said that I did personally, but the people that have been trying to help him are who I am talking about (i.e. 1journeyman, monk in another thread on the same subject), and I am sure they do, or have enough experience to know better. The OP chooses to argue with them, whom I trust and many others on this board, rather than take seasoned advice.
Bob Fenner and Scott Michael's recommendations are indeed quite seasoned IMO.
Originally Posted by Crashbandicoot
So I ask you this Slycoolman , Since your the only one bucking the advice given her in favor of trolling and calling us all the tang police and encouraging the OP . Where will you be when his fish dies ? What advice will you give him then so it doesnt happen again ? Will you shell out for a new fish for the OP ? I only ask because your advice is with out question BOLD . If the OP wants to take a books advice then by all means go that route but dont post questions and pick and choose answer you like .
I personaly would rather be considered tang police than a sad little troll .
I am not trolling, I know you have a problem with people upsetting your (large) clique but I was trying to discount a pedantic piece of info, in an attempt to get to the real issue and actually help the OP.
Originally Posted by sexyshrimp101

Do you have something against giving fish the proper size home?


Active Member
Originally Posted by SlyCoolman
Since when am I the only one recommending these sizes?
From wetwebmedia
and from the ULTIMATE tang police, reefcentral, in a pinned topic (reference Scott Michael, Marine Fishes, 500+ Essential-To-Know Aquarium Species, Microcosm Ltd., 1999:)
Thats your argument ? Cut and paste MINIMUM tank sizes ? For fish in a tank with out reguards to how many other fish are in a tank ? With any fish MINIMUM tank size is for one fish when you start adding multiple fish to a tank teritory comes into play and larger tanks are needed .
Either way the video shows the tang being ppicked on and that alone will cause stress and cause the pale coloration . Choose what ever you wish to be your explinataion but stress is what it looks like and with out being there in person We can only take the OP's word of what the situation is .


first of all, crashbandicoot- my yellow tang has been this pale color since the day i got him. This discoloration is not from stress of adding new fish because this tang was the first fish in the tank!
The fish is improving its color because i have been adding a new food to there it's diet.


Also, my tang is not being picked on by the other fish. he is now the dominant fish.....if any.