You are a sick group of people


Active Member
I'm just kidding, but I've been thinking a lot about sicknesses lately. I've been sick a lot this year, 2 uti's, stomach flu, a cold, and now I managed to get bronchitis and a sinus infection at the same time
I didn't even know that was possible.

Now, compared to you guys I've only lived a fraction of the amount of time you have. So here comes the point of this thread...
I know that this illness isn't that bad but would like reassurance. So by you guys telling me about when you had it worse, I will feel better (in theory).
So what was the worst illness you have ever endured (feel free to include more than one)?


Active Member
i dont know what it would technically be called, but one time i had a 102-105 fever for a week and was VERY sick and delirious. and i had severe chicken pox for two weeks when i was five.
thats about it.


HMMMM...I am very grateful to rarely get sick...if you want to call a 24 hour stomach virus being sick...then I guess that would be it for me
I never even had morning sickness


Active Member
Hardly never get sick either! I'll get a common cold once a year that will last about 3 days.
But my left ear is messed up(non existing ear drum, with narrow tubes which doesnt help.), had two opperations on it already. The doc couldnt understand how I could still hear haha. But now apparently its healing up nicly, and I have a ear drum again

coral keeper

Active Member
I've had PNEUMONO-ULTRA-MICRO-SCOPIC-SILICO-VOLCANO-CONIOSIS(believe it or not, its a real word), its a type of lung disease.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Coral Keeper
I've had PNEUMONO-ULTRA-MICRO-SCOPIC-SILICO-VOLCANO-CONIOSIS(believe it or not, its a real word), its a type of lung disease.

I believe it! I've seen longer scientific names on shampoo bottles haha.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Coral Keeper
I've had PNEUMONO-ULTRA-MICRO-SCOPIC-SILICO-VOLCANO-CONIOSIS(believe it or not, its a real word), its a type of lung disease.
Unless you have mined in volcanoes for upwards of 30 years, I'm not buying it.


Originally Posted by Coral Keeper
I've had PNEUMONO-ULTRA-MICRO-SCOPIC-SILICO-VOLCANO-CONIOSIS(believe it or not, its a real word), its a type of lung disease. I looked it up....
....I was on the not side....sorry for doubting you


word alleged to mean 'a lung disease caused by the inhalation of very fine silica dust, causing inflammation in the lungs.'" A condition meeting the word's definition is normally called silicosis.

tru conch

Active Member
been sick too many times with the normal stuff. got the 'baghdad bubble guts' a few times while deployed. there are pretty miserable in 120 degree heat.
but found out last year that i have barretts espohagus. its abnormal cell growth cause by acid reflux (which was caused by stress of combat). so now i gotta watch what i eat, cant really drink alcohol, no spicy food, etc. sucks because most people who get it are older, but i just turned 30 and have to get a scope done once a year and take meds X2 a day.


Active Member
Originally Posted by tru conch
been sick too many times with the normal stuff. got the 'baghdad bubble guts' a few times while deployed. there are pretty miserable in 120 degree heat.
but found out last year that i have barretts espohagus. its abnormal cell growth cause by acid reflux (which was caused by stress of combat). so now i gotta watch what i eat, cant really drink alcohol, no spicy food, etc. sucks because most people who get it are older, but i just turned 30 and have to get a scope done once a year and take meds X2 a day.
Aw man, I'm sorry to hear that...but that makes me feel a little better actually.

crypt keeper

Active Member
I have the pleasure of zero allgeries and I never get sick. But and its a big but when I do get sick its near death for me. Last time I got sick i was in the hospital with a IV in my arm. I always get that virus that everybody gets but he brough along 25 friends and they party hard in my body. usually every 5 years. Im due soon darn it.


Active Member
I don't get sick too often but when I do WHAM! It's like a ton of bricks hitting me and fast. I have two incidents where I was extremely ill.
When I was a senior in high school, I felt like I was coming down with a bad sinus infection so I went to the doctor on a Monday. Doctor told me what I thought and prescribed a good antibiotic. Didn't think anything of it. Took my meds and swam in my swim meet on Thursday. Did just fine. Beat all my opponents in the pool and then Friday morning came. Had dance team practice for our Christmas Foley's dance performance. I was the lead senior dancer. I was practicing my dance number with my partner when all of the sudden I got really dizzy and couldn't see anything. I couldn't hardly breathe. My partner carried me to the office and called my mom. My mom came and got me. Took me to my doctor's office (which was next door to my school.) The doctor took me right back and they put me on the table. I passed out and stopped breathing. Come to find out, I had severe walking pneumonia. I ended up in the hospital for two weeks and then was at home for another two weeks. I was still weak when I went back to high school. It was horrible.
The other time, I kept going back to the doctor for a "slight" respiratory infection and then after going back 6 times and nothing working she had me admitted to the hospital for 3 days with IV antibiotics, breathing treatments and a ton of tests. I have a nebulizer for every time I get sick with any type of chest issue.
Oh....I also developed a heart condition that the doctors can't tell me what causes the attacks but they can come at any time. It's called supraventricular tachycardia. It basically means my heart beats too fast and sometimes goes into an attack where the heart beats irregularly from the higher bpm. It feels like my heart is going to explode. Not fun.
Things can be worse. You could be very sick. I am now very careful about keeping my home pretty sterile and I take a good amount of vitamins and meds. I still think that I'm pretty lucky that I'm not any worse than I am.


Active Member
I very rarely get sick either. Usually a cold once a year and thats about it, although I did get a really nasty stomach bug that was going around about 4 or 5 months ago. Had it coming out of both ends for about 8 hours before I went to the hospital. They gave me IV fluids and an anti nausea med and I was fine in a day.


Active Member
Originally Posted by DragonZim
I very rarely get sick either. Usually a cold once a year and thats about it, although I did get a really nasty stomach bug that was going around about 4 or 5 months ago. Had it coming out of both ends for about 8 hours before I went to the hospital. They gave me IV fluids and an anti nausea med and I was fine in a day.
Hey, I had a stomach bug five months ago too

2 other people that got it at the New Years party we all went to were admitted to the hospital. I didn't go to the hospital though, so I guess you had it worse.
What got me was that unlike any other stomach bug I've gotten, this hit me suddenly. Like I was at walmart feeling 100% and then suddenly I made a dart to the bathroom, threw up, and immediately felt like crap.


Active Member
I had a lot of low back and upper back pain with signs of nerve root compression in my legs for several years (numbness, pain on thighs). In December I herniated two cervical (neck) disks and had spinal cord compression. This resulted in weakness (had trouble lifting a water bottle) and pain in my arms. Did PT (exceedingly painful) then had surgery for it in Feb. Came out with a hoarse voice, trouble swallowing, stomach issues and a cough as a side effect (vagus nerve damage).
In March while trying to determine the cause of cough I was diagnosed with a pretty bad nose. This after years of fighting congestion with allergy meds that never worked really well. I had a deviated septum corrected and some sinus surgery.
I am still hoarse, coughing, etc now. Next week I will have injections to correct the vocal cord paralysis. This paralysis also causes me to choke on things.
No one can really appreciate how devastating it is to basically 'lose" your voice. Several times a day (well intentioned) people tell me about tea and honey, or say "oh, it sounds better" which I've been told for 5 months. I've actually been laughed at by a waiter who thought it was some sort of funny voice I tried. I am a manager and it, along with a hacking cough, has made me a bit of a pariah in all settings.
My manager, who started the day after my neck surgery, has never heard my voice. I still have a lot of neuropathic pain in my legs that can wake me up at night, along with numbness.
So in short, I would love something I could take a pill for or "wait out." I have a family history of adult onset spinal is it the start? I don't know. If it is, my plans to have a kid soon are out the door. Snowballing...
There, does that work
I hope to do my part for ya


Active Member
Susan, you are living definition of the saying "sometimes bad things happen to good people". I know it does nothing to tell you I hope you get better soon. But I damn I sure hope that they find what is up with you and get it fixed. Hopefully this is just a bad period of your life and things turn around for you.
As far as the kid, have I got a deal for you. You know how a pain it is to break some things in? Well I have a broken in, lovely beautiful daughter that I can offer you. In fact she would love nothing more than to sit down and have some pie with you. Oh and never mind what people tell you about teenagers. I can assure you that she is self motivated, willing to help around the house, and keeps her room so clean that you will wonder if anyone actually lives there.

(add: Keeping with the theme of this thread, she does not have a belly button and was in the hospital for the first 30 days of her life and has had 3 surgeries before she was 2.)


Active Member
Originally Posted by PEZenfuego
Hey, I had a stomach bug five months ago too

2 other people that got it at the New Years party we all went to were admitted to the hospital. I didn't go to the hospital though, so I guess you had it worse.
What got me was that unlike any other stomach bug I've gotten, this hit me suddenly. Like I was at walmart feeling 100% and then suddenly I made a dart to the bathroom, threw up, and immediately felt like crap.
It was the same for me. I went to bed feeling fine and woke up about an hour later having to run for the bathroom. Spent the entire night in the bathroom and finally at around 6AM my wife told me she was taking me to the emergency room

bang guy

Originally Posted by PEZenfuego
I know that this illness isn't that bad but would like reassurance. So by you guys telling me about when you had it worse, I will feel better (in theory).
So what was the worst illness you have ever endured (feel free to include more than one)?
I have a hole in the middle of my back big enough to stick my whole thumb in.
Does that count? Not an illness, just an injury.