You Know You're Addicted When...


Active Member
Hmm... all this talk of McDonalds has made me hungry.. anybody know what time breakfast is over?


Originally Posted by Speg
If you get fat from eatting at McDonalds just sue them like that last person did...
"Hi, I overeat constantly here at McDonalds... and now im fat... give me money?"
actually it was more like: "Hi, i feed my kids Mcdonalds every day because you did not tell us it was unhealthy, and now my kids are fat... give me money?"

darth tang

Active Member
I wonder if I can sue GEO because I went off roading in my metro when I was younger and they didn't tell me it wasn't a four wheel drive vehicle and only meant for driving on roads..........


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darth Tang
monday through friday 10:30
Saturday and Sunday 11:00
No, I do not eat breakfast there a lot.
Looks like i'll be going to McDonalds then ;) :joy: ltr


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darth Tang
I wonder if I can sue GEO because I went off roading in my metro when I was younger and they didn't tell me it wasn't a four wheel drive vehicle and only meant for driving on roads..........
With our court system, you would probably win. :notsure:
You can break into someone's house and get hurt, then sue them for having an unsafe house.


or how about the guy that sued GM, or some big car company because he put on his "auto drive" (i.e. cruise control), and then turned around and began to do stuff in his back seat and crashed because the auto drive didn't steer for him. He said it never explained in the owner's manual that it doesn't actually drive the vehicle for you. The judge laughed at him, and basically said that if you're that dumb you shouldn't be driving anyway...


Active Member
Originally Posted by Tizzo
I just got blasted by my syphon hose the other day...nasty!!
JD, I have seen a web sight that teaches how to dry out your dead fish/starfish and put them in a shadowbox and hang them on display. Now THAT'S an addict!
Now your all thinking what a wonderful idea it is and if you can do it...

Tizzo, what's that website?
That sounds like an awesome idea! :happyfish


Active Member
Hey.. did you guys know they stopped serving Spicey McChickens? They are only McChickens now.... what the heck is this world coming to.


Active Member
...when the thread strays off into the wild blue yonder
and you read it anyway to see if it gets back on track... call in sick to work because you ve got a shipment coming in


Active Member
I'm addicted to this hobby like its crack.
I drove 5 hours for new fish and corals.
Im always on this site.
I wake up and look at my tank first thing.
I loose sleep if i see one spot of ich.
My christmas list was :
I work in the digital imaging department at best buy, and there are pictures of my fish tank everywhere.
People ask me to hangout just to come look at my tank.
Christmas is a bust because my pump is leaking :( ... (thank goodness i can make it into a internal pump (which i did) )
You know your addicted when your myspace has pictures of your fish tank...
which mine does ;)


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darth Tang
Some of these are fictional. For instance, tasting the difference between IO and Oceanic tank water. Saltwater taste like saltwater...there is no difference unless the salt content is higher in the water or lower...but they both taste the same. Trust me, I know. They are meant to be funny or extreme. A few of them are actually true or could be. But a few aren't.
60-80 dollars on food for fish a week while not impossible, most likely is false based off what I remember what AW2 has. I could be wrong however.......but I doubt he eats Ramen and Mcdonalds dollar menu due to his fish habit. See my point.

The $60 - $80 a week, is correct. Just depends on how often I feed my Morays. Sometimes it's per week, sometimes it's every 2 weeks.
And, eating Ramen and the McDonalds dollar menu has happened as well, because of spending too much money on the hobby. lol


Active Member
Thats crazy man. I am sure its worth it to you though.. and at the end of the day.. thats what matters.. but seriously your girlfriend must hate that you take her out to McDonalds rather than a normal resturant ;)


Active Member
when you wait to arrange your furniture in your new apartment because you haven't quite figured out exactly where you want the tank to go yet....


Active Member
Originally Posted by Speg
Thats crazy man. I am sure its worth it to you though.. and at the end of the day.. thats what matters.. but seriously your girlfriend must hate that you take her out to McDonalds rather than a normal resturant ;)

Actually, my girlfriend is AmandaL, here on saltwaterfish. She loves fish just as much as I do and she has the tank I envy...a GORGEOUS 75gal. reef.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Mimzy
when you wait to arrange your furniture in your new apartment because you haven't quite figured out exactly where you want the tank to go yet....
I actually did this when I moved into my new house

...when you walk around your house/apartment lookin at your furniture deciding what is necessity to make room for your tank, or future tanks...


When you get rid of a 20 year old microwave on a cart...that still works to make room for a fish the dining room. I now have 3 fish tanks in my dining room and 5 in my living room.
Sick...I have wall to wall fish tanks in my house. I am nutz, and other people and family really think I am nuts. But I thank God for my husband, he is a sweetheart and he lets me get almost any animal I want. How many husbands would put up with this circuis of 8 fish tanks on the main floor, unless they were a fish geek too.
I am the main geek, but I think he isn't too far behind me. :happyfish
p.s. I bought a twin spot puffer and he will go into the 50 gallon tank in the dining room, where our microwave used to be. We will buy a counter top microwave to replace it since you can't put a fish tank there. And, the 50 that will go to the new puffer (freshwater puffer), is currently housed by my reef guys, they will go into the 75 that I bought. I will also get rid of my 30 gallon tank. Too small. Hate a 30 gallon tank. Pain in the tail to keep clean.


Active Member
Well.. i'll mention some things that I personally did for the sake of my fish tank.. you can decide how addicted I am.
I removed my personal computer in my room to put the fish tank in its spot. I am now forced to use the family computer..
When company comes over I clean my tanks glass spotless... my room remains a mess.
I somehow put $3500 into a 46 gallon tank. I dont even know if you could fit 3500 $1 bills in a tank that size :p
I used to have trouble sleeping at night worrying about my tank and i'd wake up several times in the middle of the night to check on my fish tank.
I watch Finding Nemo now only to identify the fish that I used to think were only 'made up fish'.
I could think of more.. but my mom and sister are yackin at me. :notsure: