You Know You're Addicted When...


Active Member
Originally Posted by jdragunas
when you only can see your loved one for 3 hours in a day, but you'd rather spend that time cleaning/feeding/staring at your tank...
You use the excuse "Ahh come on honey the next tank will be yours I promise" to get another tank.


Originally Posted by keleighr
You start calling your children by the Fish's names!!!
"nemo, i mean yuffie, i mean.. whatever your name is!" lmao! that's great!!!


Originally Posted by ruaround
You use the excuse "Ahh come on honey the next tank will be yours I promise" to get another tank.

or when the hubby sees a fish at the LFS that he really really wants, you lie to him and say "oh that can't be in the same tank as the fish we have now... we have to get a new bigger tank..."


Active Member
When your wife has to set up a "special date night" with you b/c shes tired of having conversasions with the back of your head and hearing "Huh What, we're you taking to me" (reason Computer or Tank)
When your LFS knows your kids by name and doesn't mind distracting them while you shop b/c they know you're always going to buy something.


Active Member
When you wake up in the middle of the night and test your water at 3 in the morning to make sure everything is okay.....2 best ones so far, tour guide at marine world, and the fire escape plan. When I turn 16 I'm going to work at my LFS because they get a 50% DISCOUNT!!! On anything, tanks, fish ,anything. When I work there I'm so upgrading to like a 400gal tank.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Yimmy
When you wake up in the middle of the night and test your water at 3 in the morning to make sure everything is okay.....2 best ones so far, tour guide at marine world, and the fire escape plan. When I turn 16 I'm going to work at my LFS because they get a 50% DISCOUNT!!! On anything, tanks, fish ,anything. When I work there I'm so upgrading to like a 400gal tank.
LoL then you'd need a job at the electric company with a 400.
Take it from me and my $600/mon bill.


That's a great story razelynn! There is a total hottie at my LFS who is always giving me the eye...maybe I should ask him out for a discount on that $150 blue spot jawfish that I have my eye on....haha.


Originally Posted by rberhow
You consider keeping your shrimp molts as they show how much they've grown. Eeewwww
my old roommate (back in the late 80's) had a lobster he "found" while diving in Laguna Beach and him set him up in a 125g (California Coast aquarium)....everytime he molted we saved the shells and laquered them and set them on shelves as decorations...
I knew I was addicted when I got my 1st tank set up after a 8yr ish hiatus from teh hobby and within 1 month had plans(actually in progress) of setting up a min of 2 more tanks....


Active Member
When you see peoples eyes widen when you tell them how much a fish costs-and you thought it was a GOOD deal!!

. . . .Never mind the lighting $$$


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When you stay home from school becuase your fish MIGHT be sick...never done it...I PROMISE!


Originally Posted by Rgmason
You know your an addict when you get off the forums at 2 am and go sit in front of your tank when you have to be to work at 6am. By the way Tizz thats a good idea!
thats sooo funny, i do the same thinggggg


when your kid knows how to use test kits, do water changes, and knows ideal water parameters by the age of 3.
when your baby's first word is "chaetomorpha"


Active Member
when your daughter/son can identify more species of fish, inverts, and corals than the employees at the LFS...


Active Member
Thanks for all the laughs. I knew I was in need of a 12 step program when my husband started refering to me as "fish geek" both at home and in public.