young reefers tank contest


I don't have a reef yet but in a week or two I'll be buying my uncles 75 gallon tank that comes with 440 watts VHO, 400 watts MH, sump, stand, 7 powerheads, and some other things. I'm using the money I get from helping my dad over the summer. He runs a painting bussiness along with my granddad.
Here's a few pics of my 55 that I have right now. Sorry if the pics are a little blurry (I need to get a tripod).
I have...
Yellow Watchman Goby paired with a Tiger Pistol Shrimp
Coral Banded Shrimp
Royal Gramma
Emerald Crab
Some Snails



Active Member
So, Fanker, are you the judge? How will these tanks be voted on? When will the deadline for the contest be? What do we win?


Active Member
No specific angel. I really like angels emperor are my fav.. I dont know anyting bout them and i prolly wont keep any of them anytime soon. Do u have any good pics of angels of yours??


Active Member
these tanks will be voted on how clean the tank is....actually idk i just wanted to see what the other younger reefers tanks looked like


heres my 40 gallon
- 2 x 96 wat PC's
- 20 gallon sump/refuge
- pro clear protein skimmer
- 75 pounds of liverock
- 60 pounds of livesand
This tank has been set up since July 3rd
BTW, i'm 16


Active Member
Originally Posted by TriGa22
No specific angel. I really like angels emperor are my fav.. I dont know anyting bout them and i prolly wont keep any of them anytime soon. Do u have any good pics of angels of yours??
I've got several..including the one of my emperor. I'll post them this weekend, when I get to a computer that I have my angel pics on.


Active Member
hmmm.... tomorrow afternoon ill have to look for my cord for my camera to try to get some recent pics..... ive never posted a pic of my tank online..... but this is a good respectable thread that id love to take part in!
(im 17)


Active Member
Originally Posted by ReefDude37
heres my 40 gallon
- 2 x 96 wat PC's
- 20 gallon sump/refuge
- pro clear protein skimmer
- 75 pounds of liverock
- 60 pounds of livesand
This tank has been set up since July 3rd
BTW, i'm 16
Great rock work, ReefDude.
All tanks are spectacular. Kudos.


Originally Posted by Emperor11
I've had several. At that time, I didn't have any. The tank was relatively new in that picture. LOL Which angel are you speaking of? As I said before, over the years, I have had a ton of them.

Your 13 now. So how old were you when you started your 55 gallon saltwater tank? And how old is that picture you posted?

reef diver

Active Member
Im 14 goin on 15next week, cant find stupid cord for camera, it sucks, well I have 2 clowns 2 corals pc lighting, a cleaner shrimp, tons of hermits and snails. Ill post pic later.


this is not a reef tank. but i'm 16 years old. this one is also self funded. every speck of sand was bought only by me. this pic has half of the rock taken out. you could see my snowflake eel my piccaso trigger a dianias hogfish and a poc puffer on the top left hand corner. its a 120 gallon tank fowlr.
for some reason my camera has a green light on it and it made the tank look like it had the light off. i have 2 regular 48" fluorecent bulbs.


Active Member
Originally Posted by team2jndd
i dont know if this counts because i just took down the tank but here it is a week ago. Im 17.
you ended up taking it down? why?