young reefers tank contest


My tanks are all being re-done. Custom skimmers and equipment for all the tanks. Main project in my 75BB Reef. 100 gallon equipment sump and 50 gallon fuge. Also, I'm 15
I'm also working on my own line of skimmers which will be out next year.


Active Member
explain these skimmmers..... WHERE will they be out?
and oh yea, im assuming you are not self funded? lol. it sounds sweet


Yes, 100% self funded. I'm been making some skimmers and since their performance is very good I'm going to start to make them and sell them but I still have a few more designs to test first. I'm going to give a few out to the local reef club members to try on their tanks to see what they think. Having a Plastics warehouse in my town is also an advantage.



Originally posted by Fishieness

looks great! i love the huge BTA. ive been feeding mine to try to get it bigger, but my tank is getting crowded with corals, so im not sure how much larger i want it. lol
Thanks. I have no clue how it got so huge, it just takes what my clowns give it, since they host. *shrug*
Everyone's corals look great! I have been having such bad luck because of phosphates from tap water, but I have a phosphate reactor on the way!


Active Member
Originally Posted by jamie907
Thanks. I have no clue how it got so huge, it just takes what my clowns give it, since they host. *shrug*
Everyone's corals look great! I have been having such bad luck because of phosphates from tap water, but I have a phosphate reactor on the way!

but not an RO unit? you raely do need one IMO. You can find used ones online for pretty cheap.



Originally posted by fishieness

but not an RO unit? you raely do need one IMO. You can find used ones online for pretty cheap.
I'm looking into it. I just haven't gotten around to it yet, and I'm not afraid to admit that I'm not self-funded so I have to take it easy on the 'rents.
Btw, how was Avenue Q? I wanted to see it so badly.


Active Member
Originally Posted by jamie907
Btw, how was Avenue Q? I wanted to see it so badly.
wow! finaly someone on here who knows what it is!!
i want to see it SOOOOOOOOOOOO badly! you have no idea. I have a few friends that have seen it and they all said it was hilarious. My musical theater teacher said he felt cheated because it wasnt a real show, but it was still wildly entertaining.
so i havent seen it, but it is coming to hartford next year. And i do have all the soundtrack and could sing you any of the songs.

reef diver

Active Member
Wait noooooooooooo plz dont end yet, i need to find the _____________ cord!!!!!! Ahhhh curse my forgetfulness, and messy room!


Active Member
well i have it easy because me and my dad have brand new cameras and my PC has like 8 slots for every kind of memory card so i just put the memory card in and it uploads


New Member
I have a job so all of this is 70% funded (my brothers chip in)
standard 20g ( 4 months old)
fluval 205 canister filter
current usa 65w pc fixture
aquaC remora (coming in the mail)
don't worry the huma is going into a 75g soon
stocking list (after the huma is gone)
yt damsel
sixline wrasse
false perc. clown
cleaner shrimp
emerald crab
and a few corals



Love the huma, gopeder111!
And fishieness -- That sounds awesome, that's how I was with Rent. I went and saw it on broadway and was like "wooooooooooooah." So now I'm completely obsessed. It's pretty bad. lol
I'm actually thinking about getting into musical theater -- I want to write musicals and maybe direct. Scary, huh? lol


Active Member
heres my 55 gallon reef (ill be 14 in october) i might be taking it down and trasfering everything into the 125 but im not sure yet...
filtration: amiracle mini quad skimmer, fluval 404
false perc clown
strawberry dottyback
blueheaded wrasse
bicolor blenny
coral beauty angel
inverts:blood shrimp, nass snails, turbo snails, 4 emerald crabs, procylin crap, sally lightfoot crab, atlantic cuke,
coral:shrooms, zoos, frogspawn, orange cap., GSP, leathers
heres a few pics (sorry bad camera) its mostly self funded except for a coral here and there from my parnets, and sometimes some snails, or other inverts
