your most expensive fish


New Member
Hey I'm new to this computer and forum stuff, but my most expensive fish was a gold flake angel $350 two years ago.


Originally Posted by krazykarel
Flame Angel x2, Emperor Angel, and Harliquin Tusk paid $50 each. All fish were Juvi's and I would have trouble spending that much on them again.
A related you think the economy will be affecting prices on fish?
I have noticed the price of coral and fish going up at the two stores i shop at. :(

ret talbot

Originally Posted by krazykarel
A related you think the economy will be affecting prices on fish?
An interesting question. Yes and no, I think. With some fishes marked up 2000% + over what the collector makes, there is some wiggle room, but once a fish has made it through the chain of custody to an online retailer or your LFS, so much hs been invested in that fish that it's hard for the retailer to lower the price significantly and still make ends meet unless the retailer is doing massive volume or making up the difference selling dry goods (which traditionally does not happen b/c of the margins). I think you'll see more businesses go out of business before you see prices come substantially down across the board.
Just my two cents.
Most I have paid for a fish is 49.99 for my Blue Hippo Tang. However my most expensive is my Blue Face Angel. She was given to me 2 years ago and the previous owner had it for about 6 years.
Blue Flasher Wrasse - $59 From what I read on several websites, they are kinda Rare and not readily available, they come from Africa.


Active Member
For me would had to have been my Adult Emp Angel 180 that bought the farm when I lost power last August for over 2 days after a major storm that wiped out what a clarion angel costs in my tank. Now that I am getting it back up right now the most expensive is the Queen Angel in QT for one more week at 85 bucks followed by my 7 inch sailfin at 50.


Active Member
I presently have 2 that were north of $100, Sohal Tang and Sargassum Trigger. My Asfur Angel certainly would have been, but he was substituted for a fish they could not ship 2 weeks in a row and thus half price at $70


Active Member
I paid $50 for a large Naso that brought ich/****** with it.The lesson of QT cost me a large yellow tang($40), a powder brown tang($45) and the Naso.


Active Member
Originally Posted by LKGRenegade22
Bought an awesome Flame Angel for $60 and a Flame Hawk for $50. My Blue Hippo and CB were both $40.
Dang bro you got stroked.
Better luck next time.
On the flip side they are a wicked cool fish, I love mine.
(The flame angel)


$100 for my blue spotted jawfish(second coolest fish ive ever owned) and to this day i swear the maintenance crew at my condo stole him while i was at work.
$30 for my juvenile Porcupine Puffer fish, he now has a slight case of ick but has been in the QT tank for the past week making an honest recovery effort out of it!

The biggest rip off was paying $26 for a neon goby to try and eliminate the ick. I checked three different pet stores and only one had a neon cleaner goby so in an emergency situation I went and got him and then watched him do absolutely nothing but eat flakes and sit on a rock. Not exactly what I had in mind! So medicine it was and it is, but no copper of course!!

The LFS has descent prices on most of their fish other than their "proud" cleaner gobies. Should of been about $12-$16 for the going prices on this side of the tracks, oh well thought it might help with the marine ick.


I paid $35 for my yellow tang, and $40 for my flame angel. I'm fairly new and want to small for a couple years lol...