I'm in central Illinois...
This is my facebook status, as I just got home from work...
"8" of snow and 50mph winds, this morning. There are a few people I'd like to thank, for making my drive to work so enjoyable...
First, jerseyville county snow plow drivers, who STILL haven't even touched the roads. I saw two of you, sitting and drinking coffee. Staring at us, as we slipped and slid all over the road. That $35, an hour you make, is totally worth my tax payer dollars.
Second, to the semi driver, who passed me in 0 visibility. I'm sure the Dukes of Hazzard ... See Moreboys would've been proud of me, when they saw me crash that 4' snow bank, as you almost ran me off the road. I think a little bit of pee came out..
And last, but certainly not least...to the 97 year old blue hair, in the $50,000 Chevy Suburban. Thank you for pulling out in front of me, driving 15mph, while slamming on your brakes every 7 seconds. May the rest of your days, however few they are, be spent in some nutso retirement home, where you're never allowed to drive again."
That 8" has turned into a little more than 10" and it's still snowing. The roads still have not been plowed. I was almost positive I was gonna die, on the 20 mile drive, to home.