Zoanthids: Some Eyecandy!


Active Member
He is the elusive mystery hermit in my tank that I have yet to get an ID on:

Unidentified Hermit


What kind of lights are sufficent for zoos? ( I know MH are the best)
would these be good enough
Orbit Compact Fluorescent Lunar Lights
* Professional grade 24-hour compact fluorescent light system
* Compact fluorescent lighting fixture with integrated Lunar Lights
* Includes SunPaq Dual Daylight (6700°K/10000°K) and Dual Actinic (420 nm and 460 nm) bulbs
* Three independent power cords for convenient timer operation
36" 192 (2 - 96 watts) 3 Lunar Lights
Features: Black powder-coated extruded aluminum housing, SunPaq bulbs (Dual Actinic and Dual Daylight), 3/4-watt Lunar Lights, parabolic reflector, mounting legs, acrylic lens, two separate power switches, and three independent power cords for lighting units.
If not, what are some corals that could live under these? or that are hand fed ( such as sun corals)


Active Member
Those would be fine for zoanthids depending on what size tank you have.
I use only VHOs, no halides, and my zoanthids are exploding with growth. I used to have halides and they didn't grow as fast.


Active Member
Originally Posted by wax32
So far so good, even my Acropora is doing fine under the VHOs. Did you update your tank thread with some new pictures?
btw great tank pic..but no i have not goten any updatesand i think i will start from new....or do my old thread. hmm im leaning to new thread because my updates will be temp because i have no more money to spend as im driving in 3 months...car has heavy bills. But yeah a new thread with some pictures and the rest will be frag and store credit purchases. i will let you know tonight. imy anenomie is pissed of from what i think is digestion so a full tank sht is in the works once everything settles in from rearanging of the rock. Cool i love the tank pic. I think you should set up a frag tank. Wouldnt that be cool. i might turn bottom (future refuge) tank into a frag tank. What do you think i should do. frag or fuge? or a combo of both? cool love the hermit identification thread you hav too.


Active Member
Travis, I don't really see a need for a separate frag tank, I think you should just make it a fuge.


Active Member
noted...i was going to go the route of the crisscross lighting stuff..cant think of the name. but my tank is stocked decently and no room for it. so it would go in my fuge. but then my fuge needs mh's and then i might as well turn frag tank, i will probley do both, but mostly frag.
travis cool once you get new additions, lets see them and your tank is beatiful too. how much did yous pend on vho's. are the in need of ballast per bulb? also do you have equal actinics to regular. what kelvin rating are your non-actinics. cool just some questions. ***)



Active Member
I have 2 ballasts: one ballast runs 4 actinic bulbs and the other ballast runs 1 actinic and 2 10000k bulbs. So all told I have 5 actinics to 2 10k's. The ballast with the 10k's only runs 5 hours a day. I personally like the looks of just actinics so I have the 10k's on while I am at work.
I traded my used MH for the newest ballast and the three bulb set up (with end caps and wiring harness) and the original ballast and stuff was maybe $250?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bronco300
have you rated how fast your zoos grow yet?

if ya want them to grow fast cut em up. one zoanthid will grow MUCH faster then a group will. i find if i make a frag of say 10 it will grow around 5 new ones per month or more. but if i take one and grew it to a rock it will have 5 or 6 new ones starting within two-three weeks


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bronco300
have you rated how fast your zoos grow yet?
When I made the switch, I had 2 solitary "fire and ice" polyps on this one piece of rock. Now, there are 10-12 new ones on there after only a month. I never got growth like that under the MHs.

Zoanthid Colony #24, 3-18-06
The bottom-most small, orange skirt polyps are all new.


Active Member
These are all showing nice growth:

Zoanthids, 3-18-06
And you can see one of my blue leg hermits (my other addiction).