Zoanthids: Some Eyecandy!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bronco300
hey candle, where you run off to?? you been gettin anymore zoos or anything? check of your competition(jaja...jk) thread and see the nice bright ones

I been here.

The last ones I got were that colony #18. They are settling in well. My internet connection has been SLOW as hell lately so I have been getting angry and logging off early.


Active Member

Originally Posted by Bronco300
oh and hey, i like the propagation video in your website, however i hate how he does zoos...surely there is a better way right? i mean i would think taking a scrapper would have a low survival rate, slicing into them and what not...you ever do it take way? OCEANA
was supposed to create a thread for me, but OCEANA
has not!

I have only done it two ways:
1. Stick a rock up against them, let them spread and then cut the rock loose.
2. Find a loose clump, cut the connecting tissue and then superglue the loose polyps.
The way he does it should work just fine too. Zoanthids are hardy as hell. As long as you don't smush them, they usually come back after fragging.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Littlebuck
hey wax. i am shutting down my tank and i have a bunch of zoos. I would see if you wanted any of them let me know i can send pics later on tonight littlebuck70@yahoo.com
Thanks for the heads up, but I think I am done adding any new ones for a bit, want to let these guys settle in some.


Active Member
oh ok well not a problem, i will try to find a good home for them. thanks anyways. Great looknig tank though


Active Member
Originally Posted by bs21
wax some of the best pics ive ever seen...... looks great



Active Member
Very. They are cheap too.

They come in accidently to the LFS with shipments of Blue Legs. SO... you just have to keep your eyes open when they get a new shipment. I got the 2 I have this way. 2 bucks each.


Active Member
hey wax.
dont you have the coralife mini PC unit? the 18 watter. if you still have it let me know.
I bought one several months agp and it crapped out on me after only two days. One really considering that it was not used the first day. Anyhow it was only 37 bucks so I never even bothered to try and get if fixed or replaced. I did however take it apart and removed the reflector and the bulbs just in case I wanted to retro fit it some day.
well someday has yet to come and I dont suspect that it's coming any time soon. If you want some brand new bulbs to replace yours or just for spares let me know.
They are yours if ya want them. just pay to ship.


Active Member
Yes I still have mine, but I think it will be a LONG time before I would need new bulbs, I only turn it on when I check the contents of my skimmer cup. I got rid of my macro-algae in the fuge and now I am just running a DSB with some rubble for my pods.
Thank you for thinking of me though!


Active Member
Originally Posted by CELACANTHr
Hey wax!
That site got in a new type of hermit, really awesome I will send you a link.

Cool Beans!
EDIT: I got your picture. That is a Halloween Hermit Crab (Ciliopagurus strigatus
). Some sources say reef safe. I wouldn't bet on it though.
BTW: Doctor Huggables has those in stock and on sale for $6.99 each right now.


Originally Posted by wax32
I think so:

Hey wax, did you ever have a brown algae or green algae problem?


Active Member
Originally Posted by SFE
Hey wax, did you ever have a brown algae or green algae problem?
Of course!



Originally Posted by wax32
Of course!

Wow. How did you get rid of that? And does the coraline eventually overcome the green algae if your adding additives?