Zooanthid growth Race!!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefkprZ
I thought it was supposed to be three polyps one rock, one picture. some one forgot the rules already, (HECKLE HECKLE)
PLus I can count 5 polyp heads on the point of that rock. (second pic is easiest to see it in)
I love heckling.


Active Member
alright, here the mother colonies, fully open and happy (sorry for weak pic quality)

and i found a nice smooth partial Conch shell that should provide a nice super smooth surface for my entry. advantage: saltn00b.
here is "Race-Car-Got : X" seconds after re-entry. the stubborn blues are already half opened.


Sorry, just got free from family getting in town from Korea today for fathers day and didnt want to be jump the gun and do it early even though I might need the early start over everyone. Ill be fraggin tomorrow and surely get good results and surpass all the others rushing to be the first (ive rarely ever seen the pole setter in Nascar WIN a race). Its not who gets out of the gate first that wins, its the stride and pace like in the Kentucky Derby that wins. So keep up, Its the guy from the back of the pack you need to watch out for.................................................. hahaha.
Good luck all, and may the best fraggin win!!!


Active Member
I went with the scattered method and tried to use the rock itself as a tool
Cloves I cut very close to the middle of the stalk where they turn from pure flesh to a hard stalk. facing them at different angles and so the heads could get extension into the flow.
The rock itself will be with its back to the flow so it will overflow over the top and catch more debris and green water from the rocks turbulence for the polyps. Hard to see in the pics but they are in groups of 3 for the polyps and scattered for the cloves.
It is still in my MH tank on the frag rack but I will acclimate it to the nano with the swirly bulb tomorrow.


Active Member
Originally Posted by PASPhotography
(ive rarely ever seen the pole setter in Nascar WIN a race). Its not who gets out of the gate first that wins, its the stride and pace like in the Kentucky Derby that wins. So keep up, Its the guy from the back of the pack you need to watch out for.................................................. hahaha.
ehh... whatever makes you feel better about yourself, SLACKER


Active Member
Originally Posted by saltn00b
ehh... whatever makes you feel better about yourself, SLACKER

oh smack......there's some trash talking


Active Member
Originally Posted by ReefForBrains
I went with the scattered method and tried to use the rock itself as a tool
Cloves I cut very close to the middle of the stalk where they turn from pure flesh to a hard stalk. facing them at different angles and so the heads could get extension into the flow.
The rock itself will be with its back to the flow so it will overflow over the top and catch more debris and green water from the rocks turbulence for the polyps. Hard to see in the pics but they are in groups of 3 for the polyps and scattered for the cloves.
It is still in my MH tank on the frag rack but I will acclimate it to the nano with the swirly bulb tomorrow.
while the theory sounds good the swirly bulb isn't going to cut it for growth rate...... (heckle heckle)


Active Member
Originally Posted by ReefForBrains
The rock itself will be with its back to the flow so it will overflow over the top and catch more debris and green water from the rocks turbulence for the polyps.
sounds like a lot of hot air for a rock with a small incline....


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefkprZ
I thought it was supposed to be three polyps one rock, one picture. some one forgot the rules already, (HECKLE HECKLE)
PLus I can count 5 polyp heads on the point of that rock. (second pic is easiest to see it in)
I love heckling.
Okay guys, problem has been fixed, I just didn't take a picture of it. I grabbed the wrong frag, that was a blue one that I was going to place on another rock. I accidentally placed 2 blues on that rock....And it wasn't 5, it was ONLY 4...LOL.....
Originally Posted by Isistius

And come on now, I how else you do REALLY expect me to win this contest against experienced reefers??? LOL....


Active Member
Originally Posted by maelv
Okay guys, problem has been fixed, I just didn't take a picture of it. I grabbed the wrong frag, that was a blue one that I was going to place on another rock. I accidentally placed 2 blues on that rock....And it wasn't 5, it was ONLY 4...LOL.....
And come on now, I how else you do REALLY expect me to win this contest against experienced reefers??? LOL....

back-peddle ! back-peddle ! back-peddle !


Active Member
this is just too awesome!!!!!!! maelv is using the wrong frags, rfb is trying to re-direct the waterflow, pas is mia, and saltnoob is is trashing everyone!!!!!!!
god i love this!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefkprZ
while the theory sounds good the swirly bulb isn't going to cut it for growth rate...... (heckle heckle)

All right, I am back from vacation. I will try to frag today. Clove is officially dead. It is my understanding that I need to put 3 polyps on a rock from each of the (2) colonies and then take pics.....right.


Active Member
Originally Posted by grumpygils
All right, I am back from vacation. I will try to frag today. Clove is officially dead. It is my understanding that I need to put 3 polyps on a rock from each of the (2) colonies and then take pics.....right.
grumpy has the first casualty of war!!!!!!!!! does he get an automatic dq? anyone? judges? can we get an answer on this one?


Active Member
yes three polyps of each on one rock then take one picture and show off the spectacular fragging job. and if it isnt spectacular I will heckle.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Isistius
grumpy has the first casualty of war!!!!!!!!! does he get an automatic dq? anyone? judges? can we get an answer on this one?

Clove was DOA from a 2.5 day trip in 90+ degrees weather. Electroshock and other proprietary techniques pronounced hin DOA.


Active Member
Originally Posted by grumpygils
Clove was DOA from a 2.5 day trip in 90+ degrees weather. Electroshock and other proprietary techniques pronounced hin DOA.