Zooanthid growth Race!!!!



Day One update... Polyp 3 on left side, Polyp 2,3 up top, and Clove 1,3 opened. Not bad after the brutal smashing, cutting, and being out of water for 15 min. to have 50% opened in less than a day.
Hows everyone else's doing??? I bet all you other guys frags are still closed hiding out like the 3 lil pigs in the brick house. HAHA.


Originally Posted by PASPhotography
Day One update... Polyp 3 on left side, Polyp 2,3 up top, and Clove 1,3 opened. Not bad after the brutal smashing, cutting, and being out of water for 15 min. to have 50% opened in less than a day.
Hows everyone else's doing??? I bet all you other guys frags are still closed hiding out like the 3 lil pigs in the brick house. HAHA.



Active Member
Originally Posted by PASPhotography
Day One update... Polyp 3 on left side, Polyp 2,3 up top, and Clove 1,3 opened. Not bad after the brutal smashing, cutting, and being out of water for 15 min. to have 50% opened in less than a day.
Hows everyone else's doing??? I bet all you other guys frags are still closed hiding out like the 3 lil pigs in the brick house. HAHA.

my zoo polyps are doing fine, i think one of the clove polyps isn't doing well, but i already have other growths coming out so they should be fine.


Active Member
Originally Posted by PASPhotography
...... brick house. HAHA.

she's a brick.......house, she's mighty, mighty. lettin it all hang out......


I'm practicing for round two.... 35 gallon, T5 lights reef setup running for 5 months now and going strong. Let the games begin.


I created a MS Word document and dragged the one photo for each so far - much easier to track and compare.
I like Saltn00b's smooth shell idea.
Also like PAS's numbering system.


Active Member
all of the blues and cloves are open last i checked. i even have a sprouting 4th head on the cloves. honestly i think i damaged the small orange zoos tho as they are still shut, when they were the first to be open when i entered my mini-mother colony into the tank. time will tell, its a good thing zoos are hearty.


Originally Posted by jennythebugg
i got the red x too
You just have to right click on the red x and click show picture and wait a few moments. It will then appear. I think it's done with mirrors......lol!!!


The file size is larger than the spec'd size for the siteso it doesnt show up on the initial load is why I believe.
Ill make the next post (1 week photo ) smaller.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ReefForBrains
So not jumping in MichaelTX? Thought all the trash talk would bring you into the mix.
but it's all in the name of fun rfb


Active Member
Originally Posted by ReefForBrains
So not jumping in MichaelTX? Thought all the trash talk would bring you into the mix.

My PICS will come today once the lights come on!


So, I really had no idea about the cloves and what to do but.... Clove #1 about 1/3 up from the rock, has a huge bulge coming out already. how bout dem apples?


Active Member
Originally Posted by PASPhotography
So, I really had no idea about the cloves and what to do but.... Clove #1 about 1/3 up from the rock, has a huge bulge coming out already. how bout dem apples?
SHE'S GONNA BLOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!