Zooanthid growth Race!!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Isistius
i love this heckling from the peanut gallery
Me too! its more fun than clipping toenails and trying to shoot them into the garbage can when they break loose. not nearly as challenging though everyone here makes pretty easy targets!


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefkprZ
Me too! its more fun than clipping toenails and trying to shoot them into the garbage can when they break loose. not nearly as challenging though everyone here makes pretty easy targets!

here here. i second that notion!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefkprZ
and if it isnt spectacular I will heckle.
True, and then he'll call you out for having too many polyps!!!!!!!!!! Then isistius will join in and you will be branded a cheater and murderer....

Speaking of which, my cloves are pretty much done also, so can I put that 4 polyp frag back on my rock??? ha ha ha
Just kidding.


Active Member
Originally Posted by maelv
True, and then he'll call you out for having too many polyps!!!!!!!!!! Then isistius will join in and you will be branded a cheater and murderer....

Speaking of which, my cloves are pretty much done also, so can I put that 4 polyp frag back on my rock??? ha ha ha
Just kidding.
thats awesome!!


This is pretty exciting. Really helps us newbies to see how it's done. I just love looking at all the pictures for comparisons. Keep up the good work guys and keep those pics coming!


Active Member
how is it going over here ladies??? i just figured i would let you know that my tank is the bomb and i would have won if i would have entered earlier...

oh well next time right?


Active Member
Talking trash about my little swirly bulb...Oh Hail NO!!!
My little swirley is going to come through in the end, you will see.
Everyone keeping track of thier water and spec I hope. We all know theres a hundred variables between each of our tanks but at least we will have some documented trails for growth.
Grumpy- Just substitute with some of your own cloves if you feel like it. They are same I assume? Or close enough for our little gathering.


MIA?, haha. shhh listen!!! a very faint sound of TAP's playing in the background while the Blue Angels flying in formation as the lead plane jets straight UP!!!
Ive fragged this afternoon but I wasnt able to get the photos online yet. my online web site editer is on the fritz thru network solutions. Ill try agin after dinner.
OH, By the way. I also built a new frag rack in my tank for all my trophies today!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Isistius
It has been deemed involantary cloveslaughter and I am now on probabtion. I am heading to the garage with my fragging tools. No, I will not tell you (until the end or the others give up) the secret tools used to remove the micro polyps in tact and attaching them to a new rock. Going away for a week has put me behind with catch up maitainance on 5 reef tanks. That and a timer stuck on one tank and created an algea bloom.
Just to confirm though, I will win.....and...."resistance is futile"!



Active Member
Originally Posted by PASPhotography
MIA?, haha. shhh listen!!! a very faint sound of TAP's playing in the background while the Blue Angels flying in formation as the lead plane jets straight UP!!!
Ive fragged this afternoon but I wasnt able to get the photos online yet. my online web site editer is on the fritz thru network solutions. Ill try agin after dinner.
OH, By the way. I also built a new frag rack in my tank for all my trophies today!

Sounds fishy? Sounds to me like you botched the frag proceedure and are starting over? I thought it was only my company's system that crashed every other day. Please remember........you will not win!


Active Member
Originally Posted by ReefForBrains
Grumpy- Just substitute with some of your own cloves if you feel like it. They are same I assume? Or close enough for our little gathering.
close enough for me to heckle if he kills this batch....

Just kidding grumpy, really stinks when something dies.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefkprZ
close enough for me to heckle if he kills this batch....

Just kidding grumpy, really stinks when something dies.

All right, I have fraggage. They are sitting in their holding area and then I will attach, once I see that they come out. Man, 3 polyps of these zoas is way small! I will have PICs tomorrow.


Active Member
I know, three heads is a task to itself for holding onto them and telling right side up when they are closed and separate from thier mother colony.
I walk by my little tank and out of nowhere "Eye of the Tiger" staterd playing out of nowhere!!!!
I think thats a sign that you will all be crushed by the power of the swirly.


Active Member
Originally Posted by grumpygils
All right, I have fraggage. They are sitting in their holding area and then I will attach, once I see that they come out. Man, 3 polyps of these zoas is way small! I will have PICs tomorrow.

i hear the WAAAAAAAA-mbulance going by...


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefkprZ
close enough for me to heckle if he kills this batch....

Just kidding grumpy, really stinks when something dies.
it only stinks if he can get close enough to smell it.
wait a tick- unless thats the smell of defeat..........or victory?!? i don't know

the peanut gallery is becoming restless.........maybe it's just all the caffine


Heres my long awaited photo !!!!! Sorry it took so long to get posted (image uploading issues with my site). I had to use 2 groups of 3 Orange cause I didnt have 3 Blues that opened.
Imm putting all my images here so you can see weekly shots next to each other and the progress. www.pasphotography.com/coralfrag.html

sorry for the big image but its hosted that size on my site for better detail and have each labeled for everyone not up to speed or know what they are looking at.
Ok, This is where the rubber meets the road!