Zooanthid growth Race!!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by saltn00b
and maelv, in Lau Tse's Art of War, one must understand his battlefield and know his enemy.
Well put saltn00b......on that note, I am going to go home for lunch and make sure my prized stud is there awaiting. I will get it registered as a pure breed with the OPBC (Official Pure Bred Corals) organization. What is that you say? There isn't such an organization....oh well you'll want to create one after this contest...and crown my baby the Grand Puba
Good day, and I will see you all on our "battlefield" my good men and women...


Active Member
Originally Posted by saltn00b
Grand Pube, got it.
Niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiice....ha ha ha ha...you got me.....I was laughing hard on that one.
Went home and the package was there......so i'll be ready to go...thanks..


package has arrived as well... acclimating to temp. as we speak.


update... frags entered tank at 3:30ish, its now 4:21 and the large frag of the small zoo polyps are starting to open!!! the small frag of the large polyps and cloves are still closed.
now back to your regularly schedule program.


Active Member
Awesome to hear about the three happy deliveries but I am still a little bummed.
Its one of those sounds you never forget.
I could hear the muffled cries from all the frags begging not to be sent to thier doom in second rate reef tanks.
Not trying to say anything negative to fellow reefers, just repeating what I heard. The frags were aparently pretty scared as I could hear it all the way through the insulation in the boxes.

As for a head count. I am open to anything the crowd decides but Earlier in this thread we had talked about it and sorta came up with this.
3 heads of each species, so 9 total, to be put in a single mixed clump or to be scattered into 9 separate heads on one rock its up to the individual.
We do want to keep it all on the same rock so pics will be easier.
if this sounds good, lets do a roll call for approval and then thats how we roll.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ReefForBrains
Awesome to hear about the three happy deliveries but I am still a little bummed.
Its one of those sounds you never forget.
I could hear the muffled cries from all the frags begging not to be sent to thier doom in second rate reef tanks.
Not trying to say anything negative to fellow reefers, just repeating what I heard. The frags were aparently pretty scared as I could hear it all the way through the insulation in the boxes.
He he he he...right.

Originally Posted by ReefForBrains

3 heads of each species, so 9 total, to be put in a single mixed clump or to be scattered into 9 separate heads on one rock its up to the individual.
That sounds good to me, but will go with the masses.


The fraggin guidelines sound good to me!
status after adding frags to tank (6hrs roughly)... half the cloves have opened just before lights out. half the orange/brown zoo's opened, 3 of the 6 blue/browns opened, and the 3 large polyps wanted to open but didnt get there before lights outs. This is all just glances here and there, as my skunk cleaner is psychotic and walks over everything new every 20 mins. as well as checkin out my zoos hourly.


Active Member
everything went in last night about an hour before lights and everything was starting to open or half/open at that point.
this morning before i left for work the lights came on, cloves were coming out (btw do they need to be in low flow, anyone?) i had a whole rock glowing orange and blue ones were waking up nicely!


Active Member
Mine were opening up slowly, this morning, it looked like the cloves were trying to wake up, oranges were starting to open up, and I saw a hint of blue in a couple of heads. But not fully opened yet. I will have to check when I get home. Good question on the flow of the cloves, I am not sure to be honest with you.


Active Member
i think everyone who's racing needs to post a before pic. that way those that are following can chime in on the heckling from the peanut gallery.


Active Member
Always hear them as low-mod flow.
I put them in hurricane force flow and they do great. They are hearty to say the least. Higher flow seems to keep the crud from getting stuck down in them when they mature and get that semi ridgid bottom part of thier stalk. I like them to wave but not wag in the flow.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Isistius
i think everyone who's racing needs to post a before pic. that way those that are following can chime in on the heckling from the peanut gallery.
Heckeling what a great IDEA!!!!


Active Member
So has it been decided? Are we going to be going with the three heads of each type we got on a single rock?


Sure would like to watch you people frag those zoos. I just tried to frag some, got 3 off & butcherd the fourth. Squirted all over the towel I had down. Got all paranoid then, so I cut the lr down as much as I could & glued it. I used a hobby knife ( razor ). Maybe I'll try a screwdriver, not as sharp. My hats off to anybody that can frag them.