Zooanthid growth Race!!!!



So has anyone fragged yet as planned? Im still awaiting my frags and was curious what everyone else has done. ive got some GREAT growth on my currnet frag progress. Been snagging all the individual zoo head from a LFS and have new heads forming like crazy. One head has 4 new heads in two weeks time, another has 3 head forming, and another has two new ones...
This could prove deadly once I get my frags!!!
Recently built a frag shelf formy other tank, soon to be my frag tank, once I get lighting for it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by maelv
If you're going to do it, might as well start off right...ha ha ha ha...

awesome!!! this might have to be a pre-emptive


Active Member
so the plan is to frag tonight or tomorrow morning and start taking pics?
also, we're putting the different zoos and the clove onto one rock? or would it be better just to put the zoos on individual rocks, and take one picture including it and the clove polyps in one pic?


Active Member
Originally Posted by autofreak44
*in sexy announcer voice* in the right corner we have saltNOOB and RFB swirly bulb man and in the right corner we have renogaw and grumpy gills. well ladies and gents its the moment you have all been waiting for...
dingdingding! and its off! the polyps are...they are........ .. ... just sitting there! wow folks this is not the display i thought i would see from any of the contestants here tonight. its almost like watching grass grow! this is realy heating up! its almost 78-80 degrees in here and dang these lights are intense! it seems all the talk of competition has been forged into a battle of patience and perseverence!
here is the list of tonights contestants
saltnoob- with an impressive 150 gallon reef and 2 years of experience under his belt, hes getting his game face on for the match
ReefForBrains- clearly the favorite, and although he could choose his 65 reef as his weapon, he comes out confidently with his six gallon with the WALMART SWIRLY BULB yes ladies and gentleman you heard me right. with this curve ball, some may question his judgement. it will be interesting indeed
Renogaw- hes got a 75 gallon tank and over 3000 posts to back him up so hopefully his bounty of knowledge can pull him through this brutal blood bath
Grumpygills-grumpy gills with his astounding 6 tanks including a 100 frag tank will prove to be a difficult opponent for our other contestants
well these contestants arent going anywere soon so we will take this opertunity for a brief comercial break. dont go anywhere, we will be right back



Active Member
so does everyone want to kill me? I know I totally dropped the ball getting the corals out. Aside from the supplies something happened that pulled me sideways. Been completley consumed with a mess for the past few days.....anyone even miss me around here?
Everyone is OK and I am back so no more issues in the foreseable future. *knocks on wood*
I can say with confidence that they will go out now. I seem all to often to get segwayed into lifes little messes that prevent me and the Post office from seeing eye-to-eye. This one was a doosey though.
Yes All materials and Addresses are all set. Packages all lined and prepped sitting like little soldiers next to the tank and the frags are on the rack in the tank.
So a late start but we WILL do this. My appologies to those that have been waiting. I emailed those I could but have been away from comp for a few days.


Active Member
I'll just erase the ring girl then...got this thread subscribed this oughta be good the smack talk is the baest part
glad to have ya back rfb


Active Member
Saltn00b- Yes all packages went out this morn on shedule. Set to be on your doorstep BEFORE NOON tomorrow Tuesday 6/12
Same goes for PASphoto and Maelv.
Just in case the folks from the other boards are following this thread, you three are on thier way also. The post office treated me with real quality serivce this time around.
Put all the stamps and spelled everything out in writing that they WILL be delivered to each of you BEFORE Noon tomorrow. Even to Florida!
So NOW the arse whoopin can begin as intended.

Reno, Grumpy, MichaelTX, Saltn00b, PAS, Maelv
..........perhaps you gentlemen should take the next day or two to run down to the patent office for registering your new Auto Top off systems.....you know,...where you stand really close to your tank and let the blubbering sobs of defeat top your tank off?
Just a thought.. LOL!!
Thanks for the patience everyone. Let the Games begin on Sunday. Sat night or Sun Morning we frag and Take pics. We all good to go now I hope? Some were saying the Cloves were not shipping well but they arent even really needed. I did send all 6 this moring with Clove Polyp Frags just in case so we will see how it goes.


Active Member
i think i may have missed a post or something, but what do you mean we are fragging then starting? i thought you are fragging from mother colonies and sending them to us and then we just take pics and talk smack once they are in the tank. is there another fragging step in there?


Active Member
The frags are of various sizes. I just hacked up some larger colonies so we could all use the same Genes.
It will be easiest to track the true growth if we again "re-Frag" to the same number of heads of each specimen. This way everything is clear for how each of us are doing. Thread is a little messy and I am to blame for some of it with my delay, but re-fragging seems to make the most sense for tracking growth side by side with our pictures we will be posting.


Active Member
Originally Posted by saltn00b
i think i may have missed a post or something, but what do you mean we are fragging then starting? i thought you are fragging from mother colonies and sending them to us and then we just take pics and talk smack once they are in the tank. is there another fragging step in there?
Salt....is this your way of respectully throwing in the towel? If so, just shoot me a PM, so that no one will think any less of you. I won't ridicule you
He he he he.....

And RFB, I know the first time around I gave you the incorrect address, but you did send the frags to the right one correct? I wouldn't want a "technical" difficulty keeping me from winning..and if you REALLY don't want me participate, I understand....

I'll be here all week ladies and gentlemen.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ReefForBrains
It will be easiest to track the true growth if we again "re-Frag" to the same number of heads of each specimen.
ok so what is the set # of heads?
and maelv, in Lau Tse's Art of War, one must understand his battlefield and know his enemy.


Active Member
btw i have the box next to me, safely delivered to me at work!
i will be dropping em in the tank tonight.


Active Member
Originally Posted by saltn00b
and maelv, in Lau Tse's Art of War, one must understand his battlefield and know his enemy.
oh sweet manna from heaven, the smack talk continues!!!!!