Zooanthid growth Race!!!!


Active Member
I thought being proficient in taking pics and posting them was a requirement...are we even sure there's anything on those rocks?


Active Member
Ok you newbies, wannabees, pretenders, .....see it and weep. Looks like 5 polyps on the left one and 3.8 on the right one.
I never thought I would such a buzz kill to all of you this early in the race. If it continues like this, I might have to pour in some oil or gas into my frag tank to slow the growth. evil:




Active Member
Originally Posted by grumpygils
Ok you newbies, wannabees, pretenders, .....see it and weep. Looks like 5 polyps on the left one and 3.8 on the right one.
I never thought I would such a buzz kill to all of you this early in the race. If it continues like this, I might have to pour in some oil or gas into my frag tank to slow the growth. evil:


ooohhh burrrrnnnnn


Active Member
Originally Posted by ReefForBrains
Oh yeah, also suck a pics.......
and counting to 3.....
but we love ya anyway. Poor sap......

Can we get some kind of update of who is officially in and who has put in PICs? Maybe we could e-mail you PICS and we could update every once in a while with a comprehensive post of starting PICS and one progress PIC?


Active Member
Originally Posted by grumpygils
Ok you newbies, wannabees, pretenders, .....see it and weep. Looks like 5 polyps on the left one and 3.8 on the right one.
I never thought I would such a buzz kill to all of you this early in the race. If it continues like this, I might have to pour in some oil or gas into my frag tank to slow the growth. evil:


oh smack! that's a full backhand from grumpy. however, why is it i only see 2/3 frags? oh yeah, i forgot. murderer


Active Member
Originally Posted by Isistius
oh smack! that's a full backhand from grumpy. however, why is it i only see 2/3 frags? oh yeah, i forgot. murderer
Ok, ok, ok...I might have to whack up one of my organ pipes and get in the race.
P.S. I hear very little smack from the others?


Active Member
grumpy werent you the one that glues extra zoas because you felt justified due to your lack of clove - care skills? or are those new heads?


Active Member
Originally Posted by saltn00b
grumpy werent you the one that glues extra zoas because you felt justified due to your lack of clove - care skills? or are those new heads?
I started with 4 and 2 and now have 5 and 4, I think. I could of "offed" one of the four but I don't think that would of been in the spirit of growth!
In the end, when I have 40 polyps in 3 months and everyone else has 20 ( Oh, and swirly bulbs have died!), it will be a mute point! I am going to order some new bulbs though, 2 X 175 MH moguls.


Active Member
Originally Posted by grumpygils
Ok you newbies, wannabees, pretenders, .....see it and weep. Looks like 5 polyps on the left one and 3.8 on the right one.
I never thought I would such a buzz kill to all of you this early in the race. If it continues like this, I might have to pour in some oil or gas into my frag tank to slow the growth. evil:


sure I believe that those frags grew new fullsized heads already... NOT.

oh and one question. how the heck do you get 8 10ths of a polyp?


Active Member
Originally Posted by jennythebugg
my brother still hasnt returned our camera yet

well, did you explain to your brother how important the round 3 doll is?
( Oh, and swirly bulbs have died!)
and yea, where did RFB go?


So far looking good. Those people who frag the zoos what type of super glue did you use because when I bought my borwn zoos couple of peice fell off the rock and the guy from LFS said that I could use a super glue to glue it back. So I took the piece that fell off and glue back to differnt LR. About a week it open full then after another week or so they disappeared. Can anyone tell me what I've done wrong.