Recent content by foogoo

  1. foogoo

    workhorse ballast??

    Wonderful when installed correctly. Does get hot though. Smaller and lighter than most other ballasts. Cheap too.
  2. foogoo

    Amphipods harrassing my snail

    Have you tried blowing them off with a turkey baster or something?
  3. foogoo

    My LFS has a Nautilus

    If I were you I would take pictures anyhow w/o flash...they'll never know. Check with your local authorities because hopefully selling them is unlawful.
  4. foogoo

    Coral Recommendations

    I will be upgrading my ten gallon nano from 55 watts to 110 watts soon. Right now it's mostly soft corals. What hardy corals can you guys recommend that would appreciate the lighting? Someone suggested montipora as an easy to keep SPS.
  5. foogoo

    Where to buy PC clips?

    Anyone know where I can by those clips that hold PC bulbs other than hellolights?
  6. foogoo


    Most ricordea came from the florida region which is protected but that doesn't really matter since they are easy to propagate and most that's how most people get them. They are extremely nice looking and hardy. Mine does wonderful in medium/high light and medium flow.
  7. foogoo

    What are using to clean the algea off your tank?

    My magnet cleaner never seemed to get the light brown algae off so I went to razor blades but they were sharp and had the tendency to scratch. I found that old credit cards work great, get's the stuff off and safe for people like me.
  8. foogoo

    RO unit owners.

    You should change the carbon and sediment filter roughly every 6 months or if you taste anything different. They are reletively cheap so it wouldn't hurt to change them frequently. The membrane should last a couple years (~3 for me).
  9. foogoo

    Playstation for Sale/Trade

    I have a 100% working sony psx w/ all the cords and cables and a turbo controller that has more features than the regular controller. I already have a psx so don't need this one...will to sell or trade.
  10. foogoo

    HELP: How can I tell if my toadstool is dead

    I am having the exact same problem. My hardiest toadstool hasn't come out for a good while. A few suggestions you may try (which haven't worked for me yet) is water change w/ RO water and adjust light/water movement. Also check for aiptasia or other predators. Let me know if anything works for you.
  11. foogoo

    Un-Merry Ricordia

    attml: did your rics split naturally or did you cut them?
  12. foogoo

    RO filter question

    Check the manual, I believe they recommend changing it every year or two. You'll know it's time when the water tastes funny (if you use it as drinking water too) or there is a noticeable decrease in water output.
  13. foogoo

    Sand from Home Depot

    For those of you who have found southdown or yardright at HD, what section was it in?
  14. foogoo

    ricordia mushrooms

    Steveweast: What did you do to your ricordeas to get them to split like that???
  15. foogoo

    Reef Safe Starfish?

    What are some coral/reef safe starfish?