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  1. aileena

    TWO questions??? A NEW TANK!!!

    I have a new tank that is 48" long 24" tall and 12" wide, how many gallons is this??? I think its 65g I can get a metal halide ballast that powers two 250watt lights along with the wiring harness, bulbs, relectors and the whole kit for 150$$$ is this good??? I think it is and I'm pretty sure...
  2. aileena

    New 75g 36x18x 24 what fish???

    so not even one volitan eh???
  3. aileena

    New 75g 36x18x 24 what fish???

    I am setting up a new tank...I got rid of my 29g reef because it was too much I want to start a fish only w/o LR 75g tank...I do think I will use live sand but no LR...the tank dimensions are not like a traditional 48" 75g though...its only 36" long and like 4" taller... What could I...
  4. aileena

    75g W/Everything! in MI

    I thought you were selling me the tank, canopy and stand??? Do we still have a deal??
  5. aileena

    75g W/Everything! in MI

    I will take the canopy and stand!!! 100$$$ in cash...I live in lansing email me ay and I will give you my phone number...I am also interested in the tank as me as soon as possible...
  6. aileena

    canopy for 29 gallon for sale in Mid-Mich

    Wooden canopy for sale in Mid-Michgan...its in good shape...make an offer!!! its for a 29 tall
  7. aileena

    75g W/Everything! in MI

    I am interested in the canopy and stand...are they wood??? How much are you asking for these items???
  8. aileena

    The Responsible Marine Aquarist Part2

    No offense but look at the number of posts and see how many are participating...I think this board has a lot of memebers but a lot do not choose to post or participate because they often leave with a bad taste in their mouth after being told they are irresponsible.... Sure there is some duty to...
  9. aileena

    The Responsible Marine Aquarist Part2

    I managed to stay out of the last post before it got deleted, but since I am in nyc on vacation and inside since the weather is lousy and rainy today I just have to speak my peace... I have had a lot of good advice off this board and many people have been very helpful...I do not post too often...
  10. aileena

    The Responsible Marine Aquarist Part2

    I managed to stay out of the last post before it got deleted, but since I am in nyc on vacation and inside since the weather is lousy and rainy today I just have to speak my peace...
  11. aileena

    Lighting????VHO users please.......

    Two whites and one blue 24" bulbs
  12. aileena

    Lighting for Clams

    I do agree with the person who said that VHO's are just as much as MH if you have not bought it yet just go with the MH setup....HOWEVER I honestly believe that VHO can be used with clams including maxima in a smaller tank...I have only had my maxima for about a month and a half, but...
  13. aileena

    clams and my lighting

    I have a 29g and 225 watts of VHO light thats 3 bulbs over a 29...i HAVE A maxima clam and have had it for about a has grown a bit in that time. I can see new white parts on its shell... You cannot do it with regular normal output need to have a lot of vho or pc over a...
  14. aileena

    Do you use phytoplankton? Do you think its a waste?

    So what is the verdict with clams??? I think it was suggested by those who do not use DT's that it may be beneficial for clams. I would like to try not using it and see what happens, but if its good for the clam I don't want to stop using it... Wamp ??? anyone???
  15. aileena

    Do you use phytoplankton? Do you think its a waste?

    The only reason I started this thread is because I read a post in which 2 people thought using phyto was worthless...I really don't know if its effective or not since I have always used it.
  16. aileena

    Emerald crabs

    Were the emeralds that died white when you took them out? I had 1 emerald crab for a year, he just recently died...I think he starved because he was very pale white...I noticed that several of the emeralds at the LFS that have been there a while are also green...I think its a lack of food...
  17. aileena

    WHAT IS THIS IN BacPak2??

    every other month I take my bak pak off the tank and clean it completely!!! If you just leave the stuff there a few years from now the skimmer will be too clogged to work properly. I say clean it all another month or two it will come back if you really want it!!!
  18. aileena

    Do you use phytoplankton? Do you think its a waste?

    Just want to know what people think about using phytoplankon DT's as an additive???
  19. aileena

    no DT's, what can i substitute?

    WOW I cannot believe I waste $$ on that if I don't need it...