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  1. tstaub3

    setting up 72 gallon bow front reef

    I have a 72 bow built my canope and hve 2 vho,2 and 2 175 halides with a radio shack fan on the side and I keep glass lid on , water evaporates way to fast but I do keep it half way open have shrooms, fungi,frogspawn,brains zoos ,ect no problems tanks 3yr old . :happyfish
  2. tstaub3

    ph 8.6

    Does anyone know of way to lower ?
  3. tstaub3

    What do i do with it?

    Just put in a crevice .
  4. tstaub3

    anyone have any idea???

    Maybe favites halicora?
  5. tstaub3

    Today on the Reef

    Wax where do you go for your coral , I live in BR ?
  6. tstaub3

    3 new ID's plz

    The first pic looks like your macroalgae spreading .
  7. tstaub3

    clove polyps

    I have something I was told was clover do you have a pic if you do maybe I can tellyou if it is the samething , if it is it will spread very rapid.
  8. tstaub3

    Does anyone know what this coral is? Hitchhiker...

    I have one also it is a fungi.
  9. tstaub3

    How much "$$$" do YOU have invested?

    If I kept track of how much money was in my tank , hubby would kill me . I'm trying to convince him a 125 w/ stand,canopy and filter system (used) for 700.00 would make a great x mas gift . :cheer:
  10. tstaub3

    Caulerpa In Reef

    My fish guy will let me bring some in and drop in his tanks to see who will eat it .
  11. tstaub3

    anemone crab

    I had one it made mine stay closed most of the time .Make sure its not to big for your anemone. .My clowns would not go to the anemone any more either.
  12. tstaub3

    corals got zapped help!

    I did a 15gal water change and changed all carbon ,will do it again in about 3 days . Thanks
  13. tstaub3

    corals got zapped help!

    well my fungi looks like patches now and I think my frogspawn is toast .Most of the coral affected were close to the bottom .
  14. tstaub3

    Coral ID please

    Does it open or not , body kinda looks like a grape bubble.
  15. tstaub3

    corals got zapped help!

    My heater broke yesterday and I didnt realize it for about 8hrs .Will my coral be ok? Some look strange and some look okay .How much juice can they withstand (frogspawn, bubble and fungi look the worse.
  16. tstaub3

    corals got zapped help!

    My heater broke yesterday and I didnt realize it for about 8hrs .Will my coral be ok? Some look strange and some look okay .How much juice can they withstand (frogspawn, bubble and fungi look the worse.
  17. tstaub3

    Lemonpeel Angel Nipping at corals

    I bought one when I first started and the first thing it did was take a big bit of my brain , was a pain getting it out .:)
  18. tstaub3

    Ricordea Mushroom, Blue

    I lost a red one once looked everywhere 3weeks later I beged my lfs to break me off a piece from a large rock ,he did came home 20bucks lighter and guess who poped out from the rocks .Now I have 3 .:D
  19. tstaub3

    Frogspawn problem, please help!!

    your cal is low(380)should be 420 to 460
  20. tstaub3

    ID leather

    Thats it and it needs a lot of movement .:happyfish