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  1. bang guy

    So. Who are you voting for?

    That's the idea. Make imports more expensive than domestic. There are a lot, I mean LOT, of unintended negative consequences to this but it does make domestic products more attractive to the consumer.
  2. bang guy

    So. Who are you voting for?

    52% of the voting population could not care less about the average worker. They just want their handouts.
  3. bang guy

    So. Who are you voting for?

    Change is great, actually, going back to politicians working for the country instead of the party would be good. My issue with Trump is that he is not mentally stable. I can imagine waking up one morning to discover we've nuked Denmark or something as a result of one of his temper tantrums..
  4. bang guy


    To raise salinity all you have to do is use saltwater to topoff instead of fresh water. No need to use extra strong saltwater, just a regular batch to replace what evaporates until it is where you want it. Good live rock will already have Copepods, Amphipods, and probably some Isopods. Often...
  5. bang guy

    So. Who are you voting for?

    looks like it's going to be either pro big business or pro big business. I'll vote for local positions but I don't see a need to vote for President, they are pretty much all the same.
  6. bang guy

    Major zoa problems

    What is the water temperature, Calcium, and water flow? Is the Alkalinity in DKH or Meq/l?
  7. bang guy

    lionfish stopped eating and. . .

    What have you been feeding?
  8. bang guy

    New tank light sufficient?

    Thank you. You are very kind.
  9. bang guy

    New tank light sufficient?

    I agree that you're fine for those types of corals. Just a couple comments for you: 10K is the color, has nothing to do with light intensity. Get the color you prefer and nearly all corals can adapt to your preference. 3,600 lumens is how bright the light is going to look to you. It is only...
  10. bang guy

    New tank light sufficient?

    Can you list your corals?
  11. bang guy

    I need some info on the Banded Cat Shark

    If you go with a low cube tank it can work. Just position rock to turn it into a circle. A 200DD should work as a minimum for a Cat but as stated above a 300DD would be far superior.
  12. bang guy

    Is white arogonite sand OK?

    It reduces the diversity of zooplankton.
  13. bang guy

    To Remove or Not to Remove...

    If you are going to have Hermits then it's good to have spare shells around for them. If not then it's personal preference if you want to look at them or not.
  14. bang guy

    Is white arogonite sand OK?

  15. bang guy

    New tank cycle - Should i use chemipure elite during the cycle?

    I've never seen a good use for UV so I'm not qualified to answer.
  16. bang guy

    Protein Skimmer Maintenance

    I agree. Hot water and a paper towel. no reason to get it squeaky clean.
  17. bang guy

    Is white arogonite sand OK?

    UV is good for controlling nuisance algae when you cannot control the nutrient levels in your system. It is not a good deterrent to parasite issues as they would have you believe. In my opinion there are better uses for the money.
  18. bang guy

    Can I just do this too acclimate my fish?

    I'm not sure about this statement. Where does the "high level of dissolved oxygen" come from in an unopened bag that has had a fish breathing in it? For me, I would think it more logical to address the water contamination issue prior to raising the water temperature.
  19. bang guy

    New tank cycle - Should i use chemipure elite during the cycle?

    Macro Algae growing during the cycle inhibits the growth of beneficial bacteria and creates an unstable start to a marine system. my .02 I do agree with Jay...
  20. bang guy

    Sand and rock.