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  1. florida joe


    try another test kit
  2. florida joe

    Tank equipment

    Quote: Originally Posted by TBrow21 What size sump should I use and I don't really know anything about sumps so any information is helpful if you dont know anything about them why do you want one
  3. florida joe


    try another test kit
  4. florida joe

    my 65 gal pictures

    Nice now it’s time to start cultivation the coralline algae IMO
  5. florida joe

    Sea apple care?

    Not mine but he does look like he would keep unwanted guests from the pool
  6. florida joe

    Sea apple care?

    Research rock anemones [not aiptasia]
  7. florida joe

    Sea apple care?

    Why not consider a fishless small tank, apple maybe a clam or two and somecorals
  8. florida joe

    How do we know this?

    I have read numerous threads that discourage hobbyists from keeping certain type of fish in their aquarium because the fish need X amount of room to swim. So my question is how we know that a certain fish need 6 feet of horizontal room to survive in our tank. Why not 6’6 or 7 ft. now I am sure...
  9. florida joe

    Sea apple care?

    search the internet for Aquarium Invertebrates: Sea Apples by Rob Toonen, PH.D. its a great piece if you have not read it, do so PS Bang have you read this info by Toonen
  10. florida joe


    what kind of fish
  11. florida joe


    Quote: Originally Posted by Noobzilla Lawnmowers can be fun to watch, even though mines a pain in the ass. Another reason for the hobbyist to keep their ass out of the tank
  12. florida joe

    Candy Cane dilemma.

    Quote: Originally Posted by meowzer Looks great......looks happy :) thanks Lois
  13. florida joe

    Candy Cane dilemma.

    Seems like the mandarin can’t decide which candy Cane is more appealing
  14. florida joe

    New Fish

    When I referred to pods I meant. Amphipods, isopods as well as copepods. As far as were to introduce the pods I would put a least two bottles in the DT and one in the sump if you have LR there . You need IMO to start populating the DT as soon as possible. You can then supplement the DT...
  15. florida joe

    New Fish

    I am by no means an expert on keeping mandarin dragonets as I have only had one for less than a month. But if I am one thing it is addicted to research. That being said I will say this. Wild caught mandarins which I believe to be the case in your purchase will eat only live pods when introduced...
  16. florida joe

    New Fish

    I agree with Bang, as a side note mandarins usually arrive in some state of malnutrition so getting them to eat as soon as possible is of the utmost importance. Do you have a good population of pods established in your tank? How much live rock do you have? Do you have a refuge? Is the mandarin...
  17. florida joe

    Melted support bar on my bow front.

    Job well done
  18. florida joe

    Melted support bar on my bow front.

    i think at this point we need a picture
  19. florida joe

    Melted support bar on my bow front.

    Can you post a picture of the top of your tank? This is what I would do at this point. I would go out and buy a small length of small diameter pvc and to pvc 90s and pvc glue I would mock up the pvc so the elbows fit tight at the front and back to the tank glue the pvc pieces (straight length...