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  1. wolffam

    Question - Ordering from

    This is posted as their shipping schedule. Orders containing livestock are shipped overnight. Ship days are Mon-Thur. You can request Sat deliver for an extra expense. They will inform you 24 hours before shipping so that you can make arrangements. Placed an order on Saturday night...
  2. wolffam

    I got this from another board...

    Great approach, demonstrating one on one by example. Thanks for the laugh.
  3. wolffam

    Moving A 250, How Much??

    Make sure to check into insurance and policies on damages. If not properly packed to the carriers specifications they will avoid paying for damages. You might even check with an aquarium manufacturer for packaging tips for moving an aquarium. Good luck!
  4. wolffam

    Lettuce Nudi & Babies

    I have accounted for a total of three now. They seem to be getting larger. Still haven't located the adult. Still haven't found the adult though.:(
  5. wolffam


    SHow us the latest picture of the tank. How does it look now that you added more LR. What type of lighting do you have? Based on what I see here it's heading in the right direction. Good luck and enjoy!
  6. wolffam

    Why do my snails do this?

    What is you phosphate level? I had a similiar problem in my 55 setup with my snails. Turned out that my phosphates had gotten high and the snails couldn't seem to attach to the glass. Lowered the level and they began climbing again. HTH
  7. wolffam


    Firesfish seem to enjoy and do better in a group.
  8. wolffam

    Fish disappearing.

    I've had fish that would hide for weeks in the rocks. Only feeding at night, because I never saw them. One day their just there. But if it's died inside the rock structure, it'll be disposed of quickly by the cleanup crew. That's what happened to mine in time.
  9. wolffam

    Algea on water surface...

    Is the water removed from the surface. You might have a dead spot. Try adjusting the power heads to eliminate dead spots on the surface. Then the skimmer can get it from there. HTH
  10. wolffam

    New Reef Tank Advise

    Agree with above, although the damsels look nice, just one in a tank will keep you from adding anything small in the future. And the fact that their hard to catch in a full tank doesn't help. Send them back. Cycle with the LR. Welcome to the hobby, enjoy!
  11. wolffam

    Changing vho bulbs

    I agree, using the ice caps should let you go a year before year is up I'll be changing this month.
  12. wolffam


    You can take the LR & LS, but it'll probably recycle, because you will be disturbing the sand. I don't think you'll have a problem with the LR though. Might be better to use new LS or dead sand and seed with a layer of LS from your other tank.
  13. wolffam

    What's the problem with my VHO and IceCap?

    Check the clip that comes in contact with the pins on the lamp in the endcap. Sounds like it might not be making solid contact. Might be broken. You might need to replace one endcap, if this is the problem. HTH
  14. wolffam

    Dirty Water

    I agree with above. If contaminated, even questionable, and the inhabitants start reacting to the water, it'll require an expedited water change, maybe several, with the possiblity of loss in the tank. Just for peace of mind, if it'd was me, I'd dispose of the water and make up a new batch. HTH
  15. wolffam

    Lettuce Nudi & Babies

    I recently got a lettuce nudi from SWF to help with the hair algae as has been mentioned. For three days it traveled all over the tank checking everything out, then it disappeared. For several weeks I searched all over looking for it, but it has not been seen. Figured it was hiding real good...
  16. wolffam

    Green Brittlestar ?

    I'm missing my psudo, it had been acting differently, scratching on the rocks, but I saw nothing on it. How much and how often to I need to feed my starfish? If I placed it in my sump, would I need to add lighting or LR?
  17. wolffam

    Green Brittlestar ?

    I noticed earlier todaythat my green brittlestar looked awfully swollen and moving sluggish. He seems to be find tonight. Is it possible that he ate something big? Also I did a water change this afternoon, would that have made it swell? PS: I do seem to be missing a fish. Any suggestions?
  18. wolffam

    Latest Coral Finally!!!!!

    Great looking specimen. I'd love to get one of those myself.
  19. wolffam

    can U tell me the effect of LR weight in a tank?

    Also don't forget to take into consideration the amount of water in the sump or refug, or both. These can also be used in the formula when calculating. My LFS has a setup consisting of 20 - 10 gal tanks tied to a 100 gal sump running about 3/4 full (75 gals) He calculates his system as being...
  20. wolffam

    Critter ID?

    Not sure on either, but I have some of the second one in my tank, and sump. Haven't seen in doing anything harmful though. The first one almost looks like some type of snail. Sorry not much help.