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  1. dreeves

    Fertilize for my plants?

    Iron from something like Kent's. A pretty good supplement.
  2. dreeves

    Black Hair Algae

    If it is black..chances are it is probably not hair algae...more likely "snot" algae..dilfil crap...i can never remember how to spell or even say that one...something filimentas or somewhere around that...
  3. dreeves

    Please tell me I didn't just do what I did!

    Shrimp person...looking at your do have a nusiance algae problem...something for you to consider taking care of prior to any further purchaes one would think...a sure sign of less the adequate water quality.
  4. dreeves

    Please tell me I didn't just do what I did!

    Polk dude...the film on the top of the water..if left in tact can interfere with the O2 exchnage within the tank...unless you have a very active filtration system which will conduct the ga exchanges out of the tank and provide oxygenated water back will have problems eventually.
  5. dreeves

    Viewer discretion advised

    There is a company in which specifically makes pet meds...I originally got my amoxicilian for my shar pei...they sold it to me labeled for fish...but stated it was the same drug in their dog line-up minues the need for a vet prescription...i will look for the company tomorrow it is very late...
  6. dreeves

    new 45 tall

    Your tank is 36x13x24deep probably?? As for the statement above about a ratio..disregard that in its entirety... Saltwater fish are completely different then your freshwater fish. Each species has particular needs, compatability issues, feeding needs, general habitat needs...which are often...
  7. dreeves

    Viewer discretion advised

    In the may want to get a small supply of amoxicilian..500mg comes in extremely handy when you get a post-copper or otherwise treated fish with large open wounds from an online treat 1 capsule per 10 gallons for about 8-10 have to do daily water...
  8. dreeves

    Can light actually be too strong??

    Brooklyn used to have a pretty slick little kitchen nano...he takes ghetto to an entirely different meaning...
  9. dreeves


    It is something you have to keep up on..
  10. dreeves

    Anyone who went through with the SWF guarantee??

    You first order with these guys over 18 months ago had three peppermint shrimp die...they gave me a credit which i didnt use until about 4 months ago...cant beat that.
  11. dreeves

    do you?

    If they live while in my tanks...I name them lucky...
  12. dreeves

    water imbalance

    What salt mix do you use? What particular Ca test are you using?
  13. dreeves

    cycling again ?

    The copper shouldnt effect the cycle...sorry about your loss.
  14. dreeves


    Have you cleaned your bio-balls recently? If could give that a try too...just mix them around in water from a water change to remove any debris which may have built up.
  15. dreeves

    freshwater dip/leather

    If you really want to get rid of it may need to make a little room for a Mantis trap just long enough to get it out... You know..sitting here thinking about it...instead of dipping in could dip the rock in high salinity such as about 1.04 or so for a few...
  16. dreeves

    freshwater dip/leather

    I do not know too much about the Mantis..I have never had to deal with one...if they are lousy could try a glass with some food slightly tilted in the would crawl in to get the food and not be able to get out...if they are swimmers...that wont work.
  17. dreeves

    Can light actually be too strong??

    They have 14k and also 20k which would eliminate the need for actinic supplementation as well.
  18. dreeves


    What filtration besides the skimmer are you using? Cyanobacteria is best treated without any chemical (including antibiotics). It is growing due to nutrients available for it to grow. Old lighting can also be a cause. Locate the source of the nutrients, remove it and see what happens...also...
  19. dreeves


    Cyanobacteria is present in all walks of life...when given an opportunity to does. Have you done a large water change lately?
  20. dreeves

    freshwater dip/leather

    The freshwater will kill all the bacteria on the rock as well...