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  1. appaloosa1

    24" Pc Coralife Fixture for sale....

    how many watts and how old are the bulbs?
  2. appaloosa1

    true blue frag

    Originally Posted by ReefForBrains Indonesian Blue sponge, Awesome when they get larger. Very quick growers. I have one in the mini but its down deep in the rockwork so I never see it unless I move the rockwork. Always shocked at the growth increase when I sit and actually look at it. are they...
  3. appaloosa1

    snails dying??

    Yeah 15 is a lot for that size tank and I think starvation is a possibility. But its strange for them to die all at once. I just bought 2 for my 24g, probably only need one, but I have a killer crab that is probably going to make a meal out of one and take its shell.
  4. appaloosa1

    true blue frag

    The LFS had several pieces of that recently. They started growing pretty quickly in their tank and attaching to rock, I don't think they are doing anything to special either. They are really pretty, to pretty for me to buy and maybe kill!
  5. appaloosa1

    art, art, art!

    Originally Posted by ric maniac wow i like the cheif one! i mean the others are great but the cheif one stood out to me because im 80%ish native american. thanks, that one is probably my favorite. i love anything native american and I'm big into Appaloosa horses which were bred by the Nez...
  6. appaloosa1

    Pretty new corals!

    And Nemo wants to say hi to everyone
  7. appaloosa1

    Pretty new corals!

    I've gotten these over the past week or so! Love them all! Let me know what you think, along with any IDs, especially the zoas! Hoping this yuma will color up some to be blue/orange with its neon yellow mouth. its starting to change a bit already Got these on a trade today!
  8. appaloosa1

    art, art, art!

    I took art for 2 years in HS and really enjoyed it. These are some paintings/drawings I did during that time and one or two from recent. this one is from this year: Chief Joseph: Won $25 for this one: This one's ok: This one got in a local magazine: My old horses eye: This one is still in...
  9. appaloosa1

    Coral ID

    aren't these rhodactis? if so, they donm't really seem similar at all, but maybe they are!
  10. appaloosa1

    WTB Nano 24, Aquapod 24 or Bio Cube (GA)

    look at, someone is selling a 29g Biocube
  11. appaloosa1

    Coral ID

    I made apost about this a bit ago and bought one just yesterday for much cheaper at a different LFS. Figured I'd give it a go! Any idea? Its not floppy when you remove it from water like a lot of shrooms and doesn't get much smaller, if smaller at all.
  12. appaloosa1

    Clove polyps and leathers in Athens, GA

    sorry! large frag is gone, small one is spoken for.
  13. appaloosa1

    24 gl saltawter tank plz help

    absolutely no tang, even if it is small. the other 3 fish should be fine. i've had a clown and a royal gramma together in a 24g, but the gramma picked on my clown. what kind of lights do you have?
  14. appaloosa1

    Zoa Frag Tank Lighting ?

    i am also curious about T-5s. Does anyone know the comparison for recommended watts? Like for PCs 4+ watts is preferred, what is it for T-5s. I know this is the only factor, but it is helpful.
  15. appaloosa1

    Fragging Question

    i just get super glue gel from walgreens. no need to buy it froma LFS
  16. appaloosa1

    Dip Question

    thanks. i went ahead and did swoosh it around in a few cups of tank water. i'm paranoid about these type of things!
  17. appaloosa1

    Dip Question

    When dipping a coral is it safe to put the coral directly back into the display tank? Should it be rinsed in clean tank water before being returned? I will be using Seachem Reef Dip if that helps.
  18. appaloosa1

    Coralife 24" 2x65watt PC Aqualight

    how many watts? how old are the bulbs?
  19. appaloosa1

    my 10 gal (pic)

    if you add the clowns at the same time they should fine. try for one smaller than the other.