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  1. cathbad

    FW cichlids

    I would not put a pair of Nimbochromis venustus in anything smaller than a 55 gallon tank; they can get up to 10 inches but probably won't get quite that large, maybe 6-8 inches. If you want to breed them you might consider 1 male for 2 females (and a proportionately larger tank). For...
  2. cathbad


    The wound is now completely open, but activity level is the same. Quite interesting.
  3. cathbad


    I do have a qt but it is being used for a new acquisition, but I may have something else and I'll remove one or the other and see if it helps. Other than the hole becoming larger it seems okay. He has begun to eat less but otherwise acts normal. I was thinking that using antibiotics would...
  4. cathbad


    It is crushed coral. He is only about 1 3/4 inch long. The tank was set-up several months before anything was added.
  5. cathbad


    I have not seen the two interact at all since they have been together. Since yesterday it has opened and as of tonight it has opened up considerably more creating a pit. But he still acts more or less normal. Should I start using an antibiotic as a precaution?
  6. cathbad


    I've had this guy for about a month and over the past 3-4 days this has developed. He is in a five gallon tank of his own with only a peppermint shrimp for company. He eats well even now and will anything he is given, flakes, pellets, frozen, freeze dried and live amphipods. His breathing is...
  7. cathbad

    Dear NJ senators!

    This nation's government was formed to protect personal rights and personal freedom, hence no taxation without representation. At times I think we should reimplement one of the original requirements for voting, property ownership. Those who own property are much less likely vote for those who...
  8. cathbad


    "PAR [photosynthetically active radiation] is generally defined as the amount of radiation (quantum flux) between 400 - 700 nm wavelengths of light that zooxanthellae could potentially use in photosynthesis." (Borneman, 2001) PAR as define as photosynthetically available radiation would seem to...
  9. cathbad


    Par, for the lamp pictured, is short for parabolic, refering to the shape of the reflector, not photosynthetically active radiation.
  10. cathbad

    Ever been to jail?

    In support of chandler, I work for DSS with juveniles who are placed in custody as part of their probation and have seen plenty of assaults on a government official, but mostly by girls. I believe you!
  11. cathbad

    black hole

    What's on the other side, you ask? Quite literally, nothing. The universe creates space and time as it expands. Think about the edge of the universe as the universe's event horizon. Even there was something on the other side we could never know about it, nor would it matter because it could...
  12. cathbad

    Seachem products

    This is from Seachem's site. Reef Calcium™ is a concentrated (50,000 mg/L) bioavailable polygluconate complexed calcium intended to maintain calcium in the reef aquarium without altering pH. Polygluconate complexation confers several benefits: it increases the bioavailability of the calcium, it...
  13. cathbad

    ID Please

    From what I can gather Astrangia tend to be less gregarious, although they do appear in groups they are spaced farther apart, being more "solitary", for lack of a better word. They are also slightly smaller. Phyllangia however are found in very close groups, often being so close together that...
  14. cathbad

    ID Please

    Is it on rock from the Gulf? These are Phyllangia americana. They are ahermatypic and aposymbiotic corals.
  15. cathbad

    Help with fresh water sevrum

    You could try Java fern but what is not eaten may be destroyed. Also increase the amount of plant matter in the diet, Spirolina, romaine, spinach, peas, broccoli, or even nori. You may have to resort to plastic plants instead.
  16. cathbad

    What size tank can you fit under a standard 125 gallon stand?

    All-Glass's catalogue, downloadable from their site, has a page with the dimensions for all their glass tanks, standard and nonstandard. A great resource I have used often in planning.
  17. cathbad

    Noisy HOB overflow

    Increase the size of the drain pipe or tubing. For example, if the overflow drains through an 1" bulkhead, connect a 1 1/2" pipe for the drain instead of a 1".
  18. cathbad

    Galvanized metal in Tank??????

    Why not use acrylic (plexiglass) to make it? Safe and cheap and easy to make. I made several for my freshwater and saltwater tanks so I could get rid of the suction cups.
  19. cathbad

    Selcon or Zoe

    Does anyone have a preference of one over the other? Which is best? I currently use Selcon but Zoe is cheaper.
  20. cathbad

    Custom Overflow Flow Rate?

    I made one like this for my nano. It was not difficult but the flow rate is less than I expected. You may want to increase the size of the gap that allows the water to flow over the side of the tank. Also, how wide is it to be?