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  1. timsedwards

    My Website Is Updated!!! (Finally)

    yup hands down best personal website for a reef ive seen :D Congrats ! Tim.
  2. timsedwards

    Magnesium levels

    lol i didnt know what a sleepy tank was either. My salifert test kit goes up to 1500. Tim.
  3. timsedwards

    POLL: Tasting the flake. do you guys sleep at night...:eek:
  4. timsedwards

    High Calcium?

    my alk is low at about 8 or so, needs boosting. Yeh im not going to drip tonight and possibly tomorrow. Thanks, Tim.
  5. timsedwards

    Magnesium levels

    right will keep it as it is then! Thanks guys! Tim.
  6. timsedwards

    How deep is your DSB?

    3-4" yum yum
  7. timsedwards

    Magnesium levels

    Hi Guys, My Mg is 1330 or so, and i believe i am to shoot for 1300-1500? Is this right? Is it worth dosing a tiny bit of Mg? Thanks! Tim.
  8. timsedwards

    High Calcium?

    Hi Guys, Just tested my calcium levels, they are high at about 480....i use the kalk drip method but only two shroom colonies and a small zoo colony so obviously dont require too much. Is a high Ca level as mine detrimental or does it just get wasted or whatever? Thanks! Tim.
  9. timsedwards

    LFS in Fort Wayne, Indiana?

    thanks jeepboy, Tim.
  10. timsedwards

    LFS in Fort Wayne, Indiana?

    Hi Guys! LOL no everyone asks why am I going there, its not New York or Miami or LA..... Im going over there to work with Youth at a church there which my church has strong connections with. Going via New York and spending a day there to kill the tourism bug though :) I will be in town for 6...
  11. timsedwards

    LFS in Fort Wayne, Indiana?

    Hi Guys, Im coming over from merry ol' England to Fort Wayne Indiana (via a day in New York ;)) and wanted to take the opportunity to pick up some stuff which I cant get over here, can anyone recommend a good one or indeed one at all?!?! Thanks! Tim.
  12. timsedwards

    Help ID'ing

    take the purpetrating rock out of the tank and remove the bubble. whatever you do dont pop it inside the tank or you'll be swimming in them! Tim.
  13. timsedwards


    hehe congrats....mind you the novelty of counting your posts will die off i assure you!:yes: Tim.
  14. timsedwards

    Worst Smells

    decaying shrimp used to cycle a QT!!! :help: Tim.
  15. timsedwards

    How to get rid of Cyno

    thanks 007 that is a fantastic thread and a great help! Tim.
  16. timsedwards

    How to get rid of Cyno

    Hi thanks for reply, never heard of Cent...? where is that near? Do you mean Kent? Im going to water change and lights out for 24 hours, anyone disagree with this feel free to say so (although it will be too later for the siphoning and water change!) Tim.
  17. timsedwards

    How to get rid of Cyno

    hmmm dont have a refug, long story but its totally impossible logistically to have one. well the lights out havent helped as of yet, as i still had actinics on today. Tim.
  18. timsedwards

    How to get rid of Cyno

    yes my circulation is pretty good and it was just in good circulatory areas, i mean they were swaying in the flow! Now its spreading to all the substrate. Just a suggestions after talking to a few folks on AIM: how about i do a 15% water change, syphon out as much as poss and leave the tank in...
  19. timsedwards

    How to get rid of Cyno

    Hi Guys, I have some serious cynobacteria growing in my tank on the substrate and in the lr. How do i get rid of it? All levels are good/perfect, no phosphates, new actinic lights but old white lights, so ive turned the whites off and just bought some new ones (installing them tomorrow), but...
  20. timsedwards

    OT - The West Wing

    Hi Guys! Just thought I would share how much I love the West Wing TV programme! Its awesome! I love the pomp and cermony that you guys have for the president! Im 6 episodes into series one, i borrowed the boxset off my friend! Does anyone know where I can get West Wing wallpaper for my PC...