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  1. chaseter

    chaseter's 39G CAD Nano Take Two!

    I might keep the glass lid off in case of heat issues so no jumpers. That means no firefish. Will the maroon attack the flame angel?
  2. chaseter

    chaseter's 39G CAD Nano Take Two!

    My maroon believe it or not is super nice. He does pester the goby but he only puts his butt in his face. He doesn't attack and he only swims over to the goby if the goby is near his anem. I have never seen him peck or bite. He is very calm. He eats from my hand and he only stays in his anem all...
  3. chaseter

    chaseter's 39G CAD Nano Take Two!

    My current rose bubble anem I guess ate my firefish and my barber stripped goby (I assume because they have been missing for a week and the anem moved) so all I have for occupants are my gold banded maroon and my yellow watchmen. So, I am looking on a future stocklist! I definitely want one...
  4. chaseter

    chaseter's 39G CAD Nano Take Two!

    They are closed so it will be processed Monday I assume and shipped to me by the end of next week or early the week after!
  5. chaseter

    chaseter's 39G CAD Nano Take Two!

    Ordered it just today. I bought the CAD 39G signature with 150w 14k MH with 2x24 actinic supplement. That is 198 watts total! With a refugium in the back, the display tank will be 35ish gallons for a total of nearly 6 watts per gallon! The MH intensity will allow me to keep whatever corals I...
  6. chaseter

    All in one systems help

    Originally Posted by runn3rb3an Why can people just google the names? And the jbj site sells the tanks to so u can't. If u were really interested you take 2sec and google it but its beside the point. Anyway are u looking for something for a hood or open top? I like the nanocube because of what...
  7. chaseter

    All in one systems help

    I think it is between the 30 gallon Finnex and the 39 gallon cad lights. Both have so many perks like a built in refugium, good protein skimmer, and sufficient lighting with a 150w HQI metal halide. No, just have to see which one I want. I really loved the RSM 34g but the lighting sucks. I want...
  8. chaseter

    All in one systems help

    It is nice. I would love a 40ish gallon system so that I could keep one larger reef fish like an angel.
  9. chaseter

    All in one systems help

    You can post links to jbj's site. You can't post links to competitor's sites that sell the aquariums. For example, you can post a link to RSM's site but you can't post a link to another online fish store that sells the RSM. I just need to know the aquarium specs.
  10. chaseter

    All in one systems help

    It sucks that no one can make a perfect nano. I have a hooded 14 g Biocube and it does look sleek. However, I have read that the gas exchange in hooded systems is close to nothing because of zero air flow. I have no idea, this is a hard decision:( If you have a link, please post! This not only...
  11. chaseter

    All in one systems help

    What about CAD lights? I have researched Finnex and CAD lights and some people prefer one over the other. Anybody prefer either?
  12. chaseter

    All in one systems help

    Wouldn't 250 watts on a 30 gallon fry everything!?
  13. chaseter

    All in one systems help

    I love the 34 gallon RSM but that is only about 3.23 watts per gallon. They have 2x 55w 10,000k and Actinics so that is 110 watts total. I was under the impression that you need at least 4 watts per gallon.
  14. chaseter

    All in one systems help

    What are the best all in one systems on today's market? I have about a thousand dollars and I am looking to upgrade my 14g to a 34-50 gallon. Any suggestions? Any personal opinions? I am really looking for metal halides because I want my tank to perform at its best. Would T5's be good enough? I...
  15. chaseter

    Limestone sand ?

    You do know there are finely crushed corals sands and chunky sands right? I have finely crushed coral sand for my goby and the sand is so fine, some of it goes through my blue fish net. I would go with what is found in nature, not man made crap.
  16. chaseter

    Limestone sand ?

    Why not crushed coral...which is what ocean sand is???
  17. chaseter

    All in One Systems

    What are the best all in one systems on today's market? I have about a thousand dollars and I am looking to upgrade my 14g to a 34-50 gallon. Any suggestions?
  18. chaseter

    new rbta from

    Mine was that color and more whitish when I got it on sale from my LFS. I took good care of it and it has darkened up and grown a ton! I am about to have to trade it in because it will soon outgrow my tanks:(
  19. chaseter

    DeMartini's ADA Reef

    You live in West Texas rebel? I refuse to type pretty boy sorry. I live in Lubbock!
  20. chaseter

    chaseter's biocube nano extravaganza

    I am trying! It's a daily battle. I am about to just give up and use chemicals to detroy the algae. I don't have enough bioload to add a lawn mower blenny unfortunately.