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  1. 05xrunner

    SPS and the plugs they come on....

    well if i can pull the rock out of the tank..I pop the frag off the plug because I HATE plugs..then glue it to the rock..if i cant then i pop off that ungodly looking plug and glue it to a small piece of rock rubble...then glue the rubbel to the larger rock in the tank..use super glue gel..give...
  2. 05xrunner


    thats an odd shape.. I would go with 8 individual reflected and run 2 Ice Cap 660 4bulbs overdrive the bulbs to give you the penetration you need on that deep of a tank. then get some good bulbs like ATI blue+ ATI Aquablue special UVL Aquasun 10k Giesemann aquablue plus you should be...
  3. 05xrunner

    Help about choosing new T5-HO bulbs!

    Originally Posted by WangoTango I'm assuming you have two switches? Try this: ATI Blue Plus ATI Aquablue Special Geisemann Pure Actinic UVL Aquasun ATI Blue Plus ATI Aquablue Special -Justin +1
  4. 05xrunner

    Ho T5?

    ehhh..I use Lugols for SPS and LPS but not Zoa or aggravates them way to much..I lugol dipped my colony of RPE and they wouldnt open for 5days after
  5. 05xrunner

    Ho T5?

    Originally Posted by Baseballman 25 And that does not harm them?And does that get the parasites off.I have heard that dipping zoa's,can sometimes cause them to get really stressed out. yes it usually takes care of any bad guys on there...Unless you have Nudi eggs on the zoas then you will have...
  6. 05xrunner

    my PearlBerry

    thats what this was..they are growing ORA stuff out and making their own frags and selling cheaper..but this one was actually just part of a frag that came in and broke..So I got it cheap
  7. 05xrunner

    Ho T5?

    I usually give all my Zoo's a freshwater dip before they go in the tank
  8. 05xrunner

    Regular Super glue not gel is BAD

    well usually every dollar store I have ever been to has the 3 pack of Gel and I always get that..3 times the amount of glue for half the price of anywhere else.
  9. 05xrunner

    Regular Super glue not gel is BAD

    So i went to 3 stores today looking for some Super glue I got the regular is it the worst crap ever and almost useless trying to glue stuff down..
  10. 05xrunner

    2 new Zoas..Green Flame and Mello Yellow

    Picked these 2 frags up yesterday along with my Pearlberry..they were only $15 each so I think it was a good deal
  11. 05xrunner

    my PearlBerry

    I got this frag lastnight. He gave me a deal on it for only $15 Its close to 2" long I would say
  12. 05xrunner

    Watt Question?

    watts per gallon is as useful as having a bucket with a hole in the bottom. Dont even use it
  13. 05xrunner

    Ho T5?

    that def wasnt an amphipod then..or maybe the colony was already dying and they were just cleaning up. They will run all over them but not harm them. sure you dont have them confused with an isopod
  14. 05xrunner

    Ho T5?

    why dont you want amphipods? they are good to have..little cleaners of the tank. Yes you still need live rock. not as much I would say if your not putting any fish in or maybe 1 or 2 small ones..20-25lb is how much i would use.
  15. 05xrunner

    Ho T5?

    recommend as in? I have never setup just a pure frag tank. If I did I would make the eggcrate shelf's and then put live rock under them and bare bottom. then let it cycle.
  16. 05xrunner

    Ho T5?

    exact same thing..just 48" long and 54w bulbs
  17. 05xrunner

    Ho T5?

    Individual reflectors...That is the thing with T5 that make them what they are..without them then they are no better then PC lights. here is what the fixture looks like..well this is my 24" version of it this is with the stock bulbs the only thing with this you have to hang it or make...
  18. 05xrunner

    Ho T5?

    yea the stock lights are just fine..just to get the most out of the fixture those are the bulbs I would get..its what I am getting..I have the blue plus but need to order the 10k and aquablue still
  19. 05xrunner

    Ho T5?

    yea Zoas are easy...PC is enough for them. my recommendation for bulbs are ATI Blue Plus ATI Aquablue Special UVL Aquasun 10k ATI Blue Plus
  20. 05xrunner

    Ho T5?

    yep..I have the 24" 4bulb it before they sold out..its a GREAT light..exact copy of the TEK..and when you change the bulbs to high end ones you can probably keep the sps midway down in the tank. the stock bulbs will be fine if you keep the SPS higher