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  1. fatboyjoe

    Building Sump/Refuge W/Aqua C ev120

    I have a 30gal sump. it's divided into 3 equal parts. the skimmer(aqua-c ev120) is in the first section. the return pump and skimmer pump are in the second section. the refugium is in the third section. water from the tank is t'ed off and goes to the skimmer section and the refugium. I have a...
  2. fatboyjoe

    Titanium Heater Question

    I had a won bros. pro-heat digital heater just die on me one day. I've heard this same story on many forums. I'd stay away from them. I've since replaced them with a couple of visatherm stealth heaters. there aluminum and plastic. I have them on a ranco controller. alot of people here like them.
  3. fatboyjoe


    I just replaced most of my southdown sand recently. I was too fine. I could never get the right flow in my tank. I replaced it with seaflor special grade reef sand. this stuff is great. the grains are just the right size. I now have the flow I want without having a snowglobe tank. this sand is...
  4. fatboyjoe

    new hammer question

    on monday. I've been looking for the right one for awhile. It had 16 heads and a nice green color. It heads retrackted for a day,and today they are starting to come out. the problem is the heads are now brown, not green. will the color come back? I've heard of some corals purging their...
  5. fatboyjoe

    more sand

    I'm in the middle of doing the same thing. I would only lay down about a 1/4'' of sand a week until you get the desirered hight. you don't want to smother any of the critters living in sand.
  6. fatboyjoe

    noisy powerhead

    I had the same problem with my ecomods. I jammed a tiny piece of foam rubber between the rubber tip of the impeller where it goes into the shroud housing to keep it from rotating. I also had to do this to the shroud where it attatched to the powerhead. any sloppy fitting parts could cause noise.
  7. fatboyjoe

    lights not working, help please!!

    I have a current 4 x 130 watt. light fixture. I've had it for 3 1/2 years, I burned out 4 ballasts so far. this sounds like your problem. current uses cheap chinese ballasts. In my case, current is the only one who makes a 130 watt. ballasts, so I have no choice but to keep replacing them with...
  8. fatboyjoe

    heater help.

    I've been running my 90 gal. reef with 30 gal. sump on 2 won bros. 250 watt. heaters for 3 1/2 years. one of the heaters failed, so it's been running on just one heater for a couple of weeks now. I want to set up a new heating system for my tank. I bought a ranco 2 stage controller that's setup...
  9. fatboyjoe

    Is there a big difference between an name brand RO unit and an off brand?

    I bought a aquasafe from that site for under $100.00 3 1/2 years ago and it's still working great. they all use the same parts and slap their own name on it. I order filters online or buy them at home depot. some of the expensive units come with all sorts of bells and whistles that you can add...
  10. fatboyjoe

    setting up ranco controller.

    yes, it's a reef. I'll change my target temp. to 78. say, heater on/off- 77/79 fans-81/79
  11. fatboyjoe

    setting up ranco controller.

    My ranco 2 stage controller is coming in a few days and I'd like some help setting it up. I'd like to keep my tank temp at 80 degrees. what should the heater on/off and fans on/off temp. be set at? thanks.
  12. fatboyjoe

    ranco probe waterproofing question.

    I read a post on another site that said they contacted the ranco co. and they said that the factory probe cannot be submerged. what's the deal?
  13. fatboyjoe

    ranco probe waterproofing question.

    The site I'm buying my ranco 2 stage controller says for an extra $25.00 they can waterproof my probe. can I do this myself cheaper? __________________
  14. fatboyjoe

    ranco probe waterproofing question.

    The site I'm buying my ranco 2 stage controller says for an extra $25.00 they can waterproof my probe. can I do this myself cheaper?
  15. fatboyjoe

    question for temp. controller users

    how would one heating element cause disaster? I see more problems using multiple heaters with built-it controllers. that sounds more like a disaster waiting to happen to me. anybody else have any thoughts?
  16. fatboyjoe

    question for temp. controller users

    I'm ready to pull the trigger and buy a ranco 2 stage controller, as my fancy digital pro-heat heater just failed. could have been a disaster. I want to run a heater and cooling fans on this controller. my heater setup was 2 250 watt. heaters with built-in controllers in the sump of my 90 gal...
  17. fatboyjoe

    modding w/ sureflow or eco for mj1200 and a 70g tall tank

    I tried 2 maxi mods in my 90gal. 24'' heigh, all softies and fine sand. it was too much flow for my corals and kicked up a sandstorm no matter where I placed the powerheads. I think if I had sps and coarse sand it might work. I hate to see you put out all that money for 2 sets of mods with...
  18. fatboyjoe

    w.t.b. ranco 2 stage controller

    looking for a two stage ranco for sale,
  19. fatboyjoe

    is it the ballast or bulb?

    I have an orbit 4/130 watt. p.c. fixture. I've had that same thing happen to me 4 times in 3 years, I replaced 4 blown ballasts so far. I quess they use cheep ballasts or something. what sucks is "current" is the only one who makes 130 watt ballasts. so you can't replace them with better ones...