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  1. tripleshot

    Some pics of my tank

    Just thought i would post some pics of my tank to share with everyone.. Just a few of the things that inhabit my tank..
  2. tripleshot

    Lighting plan

    I would think so that puts you at 7.9 watts per gallon. Should be able to house just about anything that does not require low light.
  3. tripleshot

    I am an idiot!

    I just rearanged mine cuz i got tired of looking at it set up one way. So now i have something new to look at.. Probley in a few months ill do it again.
  4. tripleshot

    Firefish and Neon Goby together?

    I agree with lion crazz good idea..
  5. tripleshot

    ? Is 65gal. Too Much For Floor

    If its not on an outside wall or directley over your main beam. I would say put some support 65 gal tank is gonna probley be close to 900lbs with everything. Better safe than sorry.. cheaper to spend 30.00 now than hundreds later to fix big hole in floor. And to replace tank..
  6. tripleshot


    I would think if he bought fully cured live rock and live sand. and went straight home set set tank on stand. Add water and sand put live rock in right away. That their wouldnt be a very large cycle. Being the fully cured live rock he just bought wasnt out of water for more than about an hour. I...
  7. tripleshot

    Niger Trigger

    It is possible that he is just hideing. I would give it another day. Is he small enough to fit in the other fish's mouth? Have you tried feeding?
  8. tripleshot

    tank w/divison

    You could get a peice of plexi glass 1/4 inch thick cut to fit the inside of your tank. Than drill some holes in it for water movement. Than use some aquarium sealant around the three edges let dry and you're done.
  9. tripleshot


    I have a 75gl with 260 watts of pc lighting.. Coralife 48." I have a bulb anemone, branch coral,open brain coral, button polyps, ricordia mushrooms, sea squirts,. They all seem to be doing fine with 3.5 watts per gallon. You might want to look into one of them..
  10. tripleshot

    are there any . . .

    I have a Tomato clown and a ocellaris clown in the same tank. One stays at one side of the tank and the other stays one the other side. No real problems to speak of. A friend of mine has 2 tomato clowns and a ocellaris and 2 clarkie clowns in a 90 gal. No real big problems to speek of with his...
  11. tripleshot

    sleeper gold head goby will not come out

    I just got one of them too. he's out all the time. A little skitish if thier is fast movement in front of the tank he will hide. But in a few seconds he's right back out... Mine has a bad attitude twords some of my other fish. And he's real agressive towards my tomato clown..
  12. tripleshot

    Twin emperor 400's

    I have 3 power heads in it. and i will have room for the skimmer..
  13. tripleshot

    Twin emperor 400's

    I just finished setting up my 75 gal tank. I have 120 lbs of Araga-alive reef sand in it. About 70lbs of live rock. My question is is 2 emperor 400's to much for a tank this size? I just bought them both new for 35.00 it was such a good deal i could not pass them up.
  14. tripleshot

    reusing a tank?

    Im trying to see if i can avoid spending the cash on yet another tank. if i can do it this way with out any problems.
  15. tripleshot

    reusing a tank?

    Does anyone know of any problems i might have by useing a tank i had a snke in if it is washed out well. And soaked for a day or two in mild bleach water? Than washed again? Has anyone ever done this with old reptile tanks before without problems??? It will be a saltwater tank.. Thanks for the...
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    lets play a game

    Ok i give this a shot heres mine. Its been a long time but now we are near. the midst of the firey rain. we know the thunder has summond us all. to the place were innocence got slain. Behold the omens the river runs red. the final warning the very last command. we wont surrender no never we will...
  17. tripleshot

    truck size

    I dont know exactly what it is but mine has a bed liner in it that shortings it up by about 3". But i hauld a 125 gallon tank in it and closed the tail gate.. but i would have to guess some where between 6'3" and 6'6" long.. Hope this helps i cant go measure it right now cuse it has stuff in it...
  18. tripleshot


    Shure 1 leopard gecko would be fine in a 10gal i guess the point i was trying to get at is that once you start to add decorations and things to the tank it just gets a little clutterd.
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    air guitar

    Thats cool fishy411 what brand bass do you have and is it a 4 string or a 5 string?:happy:
  20. tripleshot


    A anhole would be ok for a 10gal but a day gecko or a leopard or a skink would need at least a 20 long cuz once you add a water bowl heat rock if that is what you are gonna use for a heat source. And something for decoration"like a fake tree or something else" it starts to take up alot of...