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  1. itom37

    Fish Recommendations For My Tank

    I love wrasses. Fairy wrasse's are gorgeous and swim all over. I'd recommend adding more types of food, for your current and future fish. A mix of mysis, brine, chopped formula one, and mussels is what I feed. Any algae for your tangs?
  2. itom37

    Let's talk waterboarding

    Originally Posted by Darthtang AW So why are we making a huge deal about this topic when it is only these four that were waterboarded (the longest time was for 1.5 minutes) ? The crossing of some lines is symbolic. I'd say torturing (which waterboarding absolutely is), is one such line.
  3. itom37

    Concealed carry on campus--good or bad?

    Originally Posted by salty blues Do you think that allowing persons(teachers, students) with concealed gun carry permits to carry them on campuses would be a good idea or bad.. It's an awful idea.
  4. itom37

    Growing Cheato???

    It probably is growing. It can be hard to tell it's growing, but one day you'll notice that it's like taking over your refuge. It might help to fluff it up a bit, as it might b getting denser without appearing to grow. I think ruffling it a bit is good for growth overall. Is it keeping your...
  5. itom37

    Hawaiian Spotted Puffer???

    Valentini and hawaiian blue spotteds are about the same size. I've heard of them in reefs, but I would not get too attached to any shrimp. Same for hermits, but they're pretty cheap so you can get more if you want them. No idea about corals.
  6. itom37

    puffer laying on side

    Originally Posted by fish master shut out the lights last night.this morning hes swimming around now. looks fine but not eating. probaly come in time Great! Sounds like you've made it through the tough part.
  7. itom37

    What to do

    Take them back I guess depending on your set up you could move some rocks around... might work. As long as it isn't violent picking, you could give it a few days and see if things settle down.
  8. itom37

    puffer laying on side

    Originally Posted by fish master yes, water is fine. i put him in tank, was swimming around but found a spot now hes just staying in that one spot. think he is a little scared.but i think he is ok Exactly what mine did. Resist your urge to poke him or anything until he starts swimming around...
  9. itom37

    Super Mario Bros in 5 min

    The music sounds about right to me... and don't underestimate... um... i guess people who really like video games. I saw this band once that played the music to mega-man as one of the band members played the game. It was pretty neat. He beat the game in like 15 minutes, but that was a live...
  10. itom37

    puffer laying on side

    In my experience (with two hawaiian blues) these fish have a strong stress reaction to acclimation/transportation and what not. ASSUMING your parameters are good and the fish is being acclimated properly, it may be the fish freaking out. Darken the room and minimize noise (and shaking of...
  11. itom37

    Obama supporters. I have one question

    Originally Posted by Darthtang AW Ok I just spent the last few hours looking over Obama's polotics at his website. I poured through every issue he has posted. And ONE thing stuck out at me. ONE MAJOR thing. The major gripe about Iraq is we took our eye off the ball and didn't pursue Osama and...
  12. itom37

    I need a picture of a ....

    It's quite big, you know. I'd put a black background on my tank.
  13. itom37

    Question about scooter blennies.

    micro fauna = tiny fauna copepods are such
  14. itom37

    Maintenance Questions

    Originally Posted by Boizart1 So i just started taking care of a 90 gallon reef that was passed down to me by my brother...which he never did any real maintenance to, not even water changes, and has had a bunch of fish including a blue atlantic tang that are supposedly hard to keep, for over...
  15. itom37

    snowflake eel help

    Just be sure that it's easting at your LFS. I'd get a small one b/c it's fun to watch them grow.
  16. itom37

    Cleaner Shrimp missing...

    Dead, eaten, or hiding. Brittle star could have eaten it, though I'm not sure if the type you have eats shrimp. If your tank is larger than 20 gallons or so, it's entirely possible that it's just not currently visible.
  17. itom37


    Hillary. It's the perfect follow-up to Bush. One extreme to the other. This way we'll be sure half of the country still hates the president, which is what I've learned is the most important aspect of our political process.
  18. itom37

    Political party planks

    Originally Posted by reefraff My mom was anti abortion, anti gay rights period, pro military and a life time party line Democrat. I mean she would have voted for Satan himself if there was a D after his name. Never could figure that one out. If you are strict anti abortion and gay rights and...
  19. itom37

    Political party planks

    Originally Posted by salty blues My father will tell you he does not believe that abortion is right yet he continues to vote for Democrats who support abortion rights. It is very frustrating when I try to dicuss politics with him. I'd imagine it's rare to find someone whose personal beliefs...
  20. itom37

    corallife skimmer question

    My coralife came with a sponge thing that goes in the tank over the return pipe. Or at least that's what I think it's for. I don't use it, but I believe it's to reduce bubbles from a very bubbly skimmer.