Search results

  1. the_bandit

    Normal Sailfin Markings?

    Had this tang for over a year. Had problems in my other tank so I had to transfer it to my 40g breeder. There is a pair of Tomatoe clowns, a Damnsel, and a Mantis in the tank as well. 1. This purple circle is on both sides of the Tang. In the other tank it was under T5 lights, Its under a 250w...
  2. the_bandit

    SPS Care

    After I exhaust this bag of Kent salt Im going back to Coralife or IO. Well as usual, the RO/DI unit person never contacted me back. I do have plans to buy a new one from the filter guys once I sell my 55g tank. Sad but I'd rather take care of my 40g. Thats basically everything...
  3. the_bandit

    Bite or something else?

    Can you tell me if this is a male or female Sailfin? Had em for over a year and dont kknow which gender it is.
  4. the_bandit

    Bite or something else?

    Ok. Thank you.
  5. the_bandit

    Bite or something else?

    Havent seen this mark before. Could possibly be a bite being that I added a larger Tomatoe clown into the tank along with having the devil 3 stripped Damnsel in the tank already.
  6. the_bandit

    RO and RO DI water???

    Im not sure. Sorry. I just know its better than using unconditioned tap water.
  7. the_bandit

    SPS Care

    Thank you Jackri. I didnt expect to have to dose this early being that they are frags. No copper in my tap water. I had it tested and we are good. My mantis shrimp would be dead too I only switched salt the first time because IO wasnt available and like that coralife has a resealable top with...
  8. the_bandit

    RO and RO DI water???

    Walmart sells distilled water which is good. LFS sell premixed saltwater. Im not sure if they sell RO/DI water. You could always just invest in a RO/DI unit. Run about $100 but its worth it in the long run.
  9. the_bandit

    SPS Care

    When my parents can spare it, I use their filtered drinking water. Its the kind that gets delivered. I havent seen a huge difference but thats only what I can see. Ill test Thursday, Saturday and Monday since I tested today. For the first few months I used IO. Then used Coralife. Now Im trying...
  10. the_bandit

    SPS Care

    I seem to be ok without an RO/DI unit. *Knock on wood* I will still search for one and if the price is right, ill snag it. LPS and softies are fine without pristine water. Lets see how SPS do :) Once I run out of the API test, I will deffinetly try the other brand. I'd prefer to not have to dose...
  11. the_bandit

    SPS Care

    I added some stuff about an RO/DI unit if you could fill me in, I'd appreciate it. I totally didnt even think about swirling the water instead of shaking it. I always got chemicals and water coming out of the tubes So a Salifert Calcium test kit is all I really need? I will be ok testing for...
  12. the_bandit

    SPS Care

    With the API test kit, I always found the basics like Nitrates, Nitrites, Ammonia, and PH to be pretty accurate. Its Calcium, dKH, and Phosphates to be off. At my LFS, I see Salifert testing kits and also heard Elos was a good brand that only test Calcium, Magnesium, and Alkalinity. Which ones...
  13. the_bandit

    Sailfin Tang problem

    Ok. Thanks for the advice.
  14. the_bandit

    SPS Care

    I just bought three SPS yesterday (Digit, Pink BN, and Green BN) I would love for these SPS to survive and thrive. They are in my 40g BR with a 250w MH with Ice Cap Ballast and 14k bulb for lighting. I do between a 5-10g WC each week. If not I make up for it the next week. Tank temp runs between...
  15. the_bandit

    Sailfin Tang problem

    Thank you for the input. My mind was boggling as to why it was reacting this way. How long should I keep the tang in for? Seems to be thriving in the 40br.
  16. the_bandit

    Sailfin Tang problem

    The Seachem Wat clarifier was less than a month old. I just used it because my tank looked cloudy. No real reason. My tang was the boss of the 55g. Would chase the LMB and Watchmen whenever she was swimming by. I doubt it was being picked on by anything. There has not been any added stress to...
  17. the_bandit

    Sailfin Tang problem

    So here is the story of what happened last night. I bought a water clarifier by Seachem a couple weeks ago and have used it a few times on my 55g reef and 40g Mantis/Reef tank. No ill effects when I did dose. I decided to dose my 55g last night because it was looking murky. I did a water change...
  18. the_bandit

    First SPS

    Yup got it in the 4.99 section. Looked better in my tank than it did in their frag tank. What about these coral packs?
  19. the_bandit

    First SPS

    You are a lucky guy. I dont have any local saltwater friends so Im stuck with LFS prices. The SPS died. My fault but I did start another tank (40g breeder) and added a 250w MH. Bought a Birdsnest, Digit, and a Green Birdsnest. Polyps are opening and extending which is awesome. One day I'd like...
  20. the_bandit

    First New SPS

    I built a really quick DIY frag shelf so I can put them at optimal places until they get situated. They are getting almost direct flow and best lighting being that they are right below the MH. Ive seen polyp extension on all of the coral and found some Calcium so I dosed that just for a little...