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  1. culp

    Faces to Names

    they are just not as smart as labs. and it probably doesn't help he spent a year in the humane society before i adopted him.
  2. culp

    Faces to Names

    i know he is. he is a lab mixed with a Newfoundland. he has the body of a lab and is the nicest large dog i have ever seen. but he has the hair and the brains of a Newfoundland.
  3. culp

    Faces to Names

    i have been around. just haven't really had much to talk about. have been spending most of my time trying to train my big dumb dog i adopted in late June. when we got him he only knew sit and shake. he was at the humane society for almost a year. and he is 3 years old now...
  4. culp

    Faces to Names

    me and my cat Tony.
  5. culp

    light a frag tank

    should work out vary good for you
  6. culp

    One more week

    i bought my tank the new tank in April. but i already have a 55 gallon tank that every thing is going to go into. once i get the light done i start building the stand and move every thing over to the 125 tank.
  7. culp

    One more week

    a 72 inch, 125 gallon talk.
  8. culp

    Can you Re-Use used water?

    i would never reuse water. just be simpler to make new water to use.
  9. culp

    One more week

    until i have saved up the $550 needed to buy all the remaining parts to the 7 x 60" T5 retrofit light on 3 Icecap 660 ballast i am building. i have only been saving up money since late June.
  10. culp

    Making site mobile-friendly?

    i know this question came up a couple of months ago and they said that it wasn't in they're future plans.
  11. culp

    Which light?

    i would go with the T5 fixture but replace the stock bulbs with much better ATI bulbs.
  12. culp

    Happy Birthday Culp

    o thanks guys. i have been a little busy for the last month and haven't been on as much. we got our first dog a month a go and am still trying to get him used to our house.
  13. culp

    How Much T5 For My Tank?

    no it does not come with a power cord. you have to wire on to the green black and white colored wires on the wire harness. takes about 5 minutes. also if you get two fans, one cooling the end caps on each side the bulb life should be able the same.
  14. culp

    How Much T5 For My Tank?

    4 bulbs on a Ice cap retro kit would be enough for any thing.
  15. culp

    216w t5's vs. 260w pc any thoughts or opinions

    T5 all day long.
  16. culp

    They ARE ALL DEAD!!!

    i would say that snails do have one of the worst smells after they die.
  17. culp

    They ARE ALL DEAD!!!

    thats why i wouldn't order if the warms is above 80 or below 30.
  18. culp

    T5HO power for reef

    you would get best results with a ice cap retrofit.
  19. culp

    MaxiJet 1200

    try lowering the power head a inch or so, and see if that helps any.