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  1. firedad720

    cleaner shrimp

    i leave mine in the tank, with no problems rick
  2. firedad720

    Late night pictures

    yea, what he said!!!!!!!!!! rick
  3. firedad720

    xenia dieing???

    bump i would like last ? anwsered also rick
  4. firedad720

    Where is everyone from?????

    norman oklahoma....................go sooners rick
  5. firedad720


    was a vol. fireman for 10 years( well 9years and 9 months). had to leave because of injury. injury was not from work on FD rick
  6. firedad720

    a coral with green coloring...

    i agree a green closed brain. mine looks very nice. rick
  7. firedad720

    LIGHTING QUESTION- homedepot???

    NM reef i thought vho was better then pc. or am i crazy? i get so confused on this lighting stuff rick
  8. firedad720

    Corals that host clowns

    maroon hosting in green brain rick
  9. firedad720

    my shrimp has black spots

    they should molt about every 3 weeks or so. rick
  10. firedad720

    Bumble Bee Snails

    i have six in my 29g. the only reason i see them is because they happen to be on a part of the live rock i can see to. never see them move, but they are in different parts of the rock. must move at night. rick
  11. firedad720

    Coral Banded shrimp

    i added my cleaner (a little one too) after i had my cbs for several months. no problems so far. been in tank several months together.
  12. firedad720

    Corals that host clowns

    my maroon hosts in my closed green brain
  13. firedad720

    new dig. camera

    yep, and to think i didn't think i was ready for another baby. now i wonder what i ever did without her. already has daddy wrapped around her little finger, and she KNOWS IT too. rick
  14. firedad720

    new dig. camera

    bump to show off my little kimmy:D also the tank rick
  15. firedad720

    maroon clown

    my maroon started hosting in my closed brain coral. the brain doesn't like it one bit. rick
  16. firedad720

    Just wanted to say Hi and Thank you!

    nice tank:yes: rick
  17. firedad720

    CBS NEWS - Horrible Journalism

    i never did. Rather is so demacratic that he came close to crying when he learned that the republicans had won both branches and the white house in 2000. i have never watched him since, or ever will. rick
  18. firedad720

    Supplemental Feeding For Lawnmower Blenny?

    my lmb eats anything i feed the other fish. very fat!!! i asked the same ? and was told it would not hurt for him to eat other foods rick
  19. firedad720

    new dig. camera

    tanks been set up 19 months. new camera is a kodac cx7530 rick
  20. firedad720

    new dig. camera

    thanks everyone. nemo lover i would have to fight my wife over that trade:eek: . and i don't think i could take anything for my little girl. my green brain used to get bigger, until a maroon clown decided to host in him. he don't seem to like it to much rick