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  1. W

    Fish jumping out of tank.....

    Ha, yes my maroon clown was 'nice' for a while, then got this thing for attacking the magnet on the inside when i would clean the glass. From there it would 'look' at my hand when i put it in the tank, then soon after it would full out attack and tried to bite me. The first time it tried I...
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    Help! Top brace of tank broke

    You need to ask yourself WHY did it break to start with, long before you think about fixing/replacing it! There obviously is a problem somewhere that needs to be fixed or the next one will do the same thing given time. Once you fix why it happened then replace the trim.
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    What SWF can be found in Fiji's Reefs?

    Originally Posted by Culp i tried doing some searches on google and i couldn't find any good list of fish from the islands of fiji. I did that same but did not come up with much. I did find a store in Fiji that sells fish with shipping of only $8.99! Oh, did I forget the $85 processing fee and...
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    What SWF can be found in Fiji's Reefs?

    We took our Honeymoon in Fiji this past September and since then have set up the 110g tank. We are finally ready to stock it with fish and coral. I was curious, does SWF sell any fish that are 'native' to Fiji's waters? I know some species can be found all over, but I was wondering if there some...
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    What uses up Mg? How fast should it drop?

    I was curious what, in a marine system, uses up the Mg? Fish, Coral, LR, Live Sand, All the above? How fast should Mg drop or be used up in a system? Should regular water changes keep or stable or is dosing needed? What is important to keep it stable? Thanks!
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    Green Hair Algae - Good grazers?

    Ok, I am going to bite the bullet and remove/scrub the LR this weekend. Will set up a couple large containers in the basement with heated saltwater to do the work in. For the person asking about the flow in the tank I have an Eheim Wet/Dry canister, a Lifegard Aquatics advanced filtration kit to...
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    Green Hair Algae - Good grazers?

    Yes, I was thinking that my results were good, but figuring the algae was feeding on all of it before it was 'testable'. It is a 110g, no skimmer, no sump, no fuge, yes I know I just made the hair on the back of your neck stand up. I actually have had great luck with current and past tanks with...
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    Green Hair Algae - Good grazers?

    I have been having a green hair algae problem and I was wondering what snails, crabs, fish, do a good job controlling it? I have 3 emerald crabs but they do not seem to be doing much. All my tests come back excellent, phosphates, nitrates, nitrites, etc. I am having a real issue trying to figure...
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    how heavy is a 140g all glass tank...just tank

    I have moved 110's and 125's, all depends where you are moving to/from. If you are picking it up say from a waist high level and setting down on a waist high level, not going up and sets of stairs, you should be fine with 2 people. If you want to set it down on the ground at any point and then...
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    Quiet One Pumps

    Originally Posted by Posiden A guy at work bought that same system. He also was, blessed with an insanly loud and hot pump. He glued on a fitting to the pump so he bought another pump. Ran sweet for about two months, then the same noise again. He is now running a little giant on that setup and...
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    Quiet One Pumps

    I have a 4000HH that I got a few days ago, part of my 'advanced filtration kit' made by Lifegard Aquatics. I set it up and wow, the pump was LOUD and did not sound right! I checked all connections, checked for air seeping into the system, even took it apart and checked the magnet, etc. Set it...
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    Eheim Surface Extractor - Rave

    I purchased an Eheim Surface Extractor a while back but finally got around to installing it yesterday, it works great! It cleared the 'nasty' film from the top of my water in less than an hour. It is amazing how much better than tank looks without the film. It is hooked up to an Eheim Wet/Dry...
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    Copepods / ReefPods - is there a reason NOT to have them?

    Copepods / ReefPods - Is there a reason NOT to have them in a system? What benefits do they provide? Are there any cautions that need to be watched out with them? If I have fish that do not feed on them does that matter? Just curious Thanks!
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    fixture questions

    The legs on my 20" light are fully adjustable and on slides, probably fit a tank as smalll as 6" wide. What light are you looking at?
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    Couple Questions (heading to Home Depot)

    Heading to HD in a few hours, I was curious what the best way to secure PVC pipes that, obviously, is non-toxic? Does HD sell silicone that is non-toxic? I have a tube of 3M marine silicone but I am not sure if that is non-tox? Thank you!
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    Are these levels ok ?

    Calcium - 450 KH - 9.9 Mg - 1150 How does those look? Should the KH or Mg be any higher? Thank you!
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    a little math question
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    Eggcrate - How should I cut it?

    Originally Posted by T316 Personally I would not use the "shiny silver", but if you do, watch it because it has a tendancy to flake off and those flakes will end up in your tank. I'm not sure what that metalic looking stuff is that they use to make it "shiny", but it doesn't always stay on...
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    Eggcrate - How should I cut it?

    Thanks everyone! I ended up using the Dremel with a thin cutting blade and it worked great! It took a little while to cut all the braces down to the size I wanted but it was worth it. It surprised me that the grate sits flush with the tank top! I was worried you would see it, but unless you are...
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    Eggcrate - How should I cut it?

    I was thinking of using those, although I really wanted to use the band saw I figued it would not be the best!