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  1. zoie2

    I need help saving tank

    I am going to the store today to get new supplies. I can't remember what the stuff I used was called. It was like nano A and B? Can I go back to 2005 in the archives? I can't remember exactly what I did, and I know I postedevery step here. And what ever I did worked great because I never...
  2. zoie2

    I need help saving tank

    I joined in 2005 with a 12 gal tank. and had great success for years. To make a long story short, life got crazy and my tank did not get the attention it needed. In 2011 I came back on the forum for help with a huge hair algae problem. I got it a little under control, but we moved to a new...
  3. zoie2

    choosing new tank

    I wanted to stay with the 12 gal, I really like it. I would have gone to the 14 Biocube if were a much better tank. I keep reading reviews and it seems they both are good tanks. I read the Biocube is so well sealed tnere are heat issues, so I think I am going to stay with the JBJ and try the...
  4. zoie2

    choosing new tank

    Hey all, I have a nano cube 12 gal delux that I have had for at least 6 yrs, could be longer. It is getting old and rough so i stead of fixing/replacing I figured I would just get a new one. I was looking at the 12 gal jbj with leds, but it only had 2 stars and some bad reviews. So I was also...
  5. zoie2

    how to devide 2 toadstools

    These actually were two little blobs left over from a huge one I had to remove. I was told to cut the original one, but just couldn't do it (feels so wrong) so I kinda rubbed it where it touched the rock until it receeded (it took like 30 minutes). The last little piece I just kinda pulled it...
  6. zoie2

    how to devide 2 toadstools

    That's the part that makes me nervous. So I just slice it as close to the rock as I can, and then I can attatch it to a piece of rock. I want to move it to another tank, should I let it heal in the tank it lives in now, or just move it to my other tank?
  7. zoie2

    how to devide 2 toadstools

    What's the best way to split these two toadstools? One is actually growing over the base of the other. Thanks
  8. zoie2

    New baby leather :)

    that's soo cool. I love it when that happens!! Congrats!
  9. zoie2


  10. zoie2


    I'm writing a childrens story, and looked up toadstools. It said the colored tips are called polyps, is this correct? Not the cap part, the tips that are green or yellow and they flow with the water and go in when you touch them. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks
  11. zoie2

    29 Gallon Coralife Biocube " Diary "

    looks good. I like the rock work. Are you planning to put fish and if so, what kind?
  12. zoie2

    I need help on my 6 gal.

    Sounds good, thanks guys. I'll let you know how it goes.
  13. zoie2

    Help me place everything

    looks good to me. Is there something you don't like about it?
  14. zoie2

    Recommendation for an office nano.

    I meant to show you a pic of my 12 gal. (it's an old pic), but it will give you an idea of what you can do with a 12 gal with stock lighting.
  15. zoie2

    Recommendation for an office nano.

    The 12 gal are nice. I have a 12 gal JBJ Nano Cube. I haven't had any problems with it. I haven't been on the boards for a while and I've noticed they have different kinds of nano cubes, almost makes mine look out dated. With the stock lighting you can keep several different types of corral...
  16. zoie2

    New 35gal

    go look at all the nano tanks, they are AMAZING!! Obviously the smaller the tank the less fish you can have, but it can still be awesome
  17. zoie2

    What fish can I add?

    Quote: Originally Posted by scarecrow What does filter feeder mean? It basically means it get's it's nutrients from the water. Every time you do a water change you're feeding it. I'm sure someone could give you a better definition, but that's basically it.
  18. zoie2

    What fish can I add?

    Figuring out corrals is a matter of opinion. Everyone likes different things. Find out what you like and make sure they will grow good with your lights and flow in your tank. They also have different care levels. Some are easy filter feeders and some you have to spot feed and take more time...
  19. zoie2

    I need help on my 6 gal.

    Quote: Originally Posted by Mr. Limpid As for algae if there isn't enough growing in your tank to support them don't add more then the algae in the tank can support. I guess this was my original question/concern. Right now i have 6 very small bluelegged hermits, 4 med red legged hermit, 4...
  20. zoie2

    New 5g Ecopico

    looks good.