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  1. trompet3

    Is it possible to keep a picasso triger in a reef tank?

    They will eat all your inverts. I keep mine in a FOWLR with some mushrooms and blue legged hermits. He doesn't eat the shrooms, but I've heard that close to nothing will eat those anyway. My trigger bites and nibbles on the live rock all day and tries to get at the hermits. I would never put...
  2. trompet3

    opinions on # of inverts

    Sammy, when you said you'd like to see more diversity, what did you have in mind? Sammy...? Thanks Yeller for your insight.
  3. trompet3

    electricians please help!!!

  4. trompet3

    electricians please help!!!

    Please excuse my lack of electrical knowledge, but by "circuit" are we talking just one plug, one wall plate (two plugs), or all the wall plates that are controlled by the one switch in the breaker box?
  5. trompet3

    electricians please help!!!

    Also, is it 15amps maximum going into each plug or 15amps going to all the plugs/outlets that are running off that circuit? (I don't know if I'm using the term "circuit" correctly, but I'm talking about all the outlets going to that one switch in my box). Anyone? btw, the switch at the breaker...
  6. trompet3

    electricians please help!!!

    nope, nothings loose. From what i can tell, it's just the two outlets on that one wall plate that are not working. I would like to figure it out, but if not, I'll call maintenance on tues. Thanks for everyone's help. If anyone can still figure it out, still let me know.
  7. trompet3

    electricians please help!!!

  8. trompet3

    opinions on # of inverts

    Before I moved the tank, I was battling a red hair algae problem and had been waiting to restock/diversify my cleaning crew until I moved. Since then, I got the 5 emeralds, 20 ceriths and all the scarlets, plus moved all the blue leggeds devils. The algae is doing better, although I don't know...
  9. trompet3

    electricians please help!!!

    zibnata, that's what I did, which is why I can't figure out what the problem is.
  10. trompet3

    opinions on # of inverts

    I am open to any other recommendations. I will be getting some nassarius (still not sure how many though) once my sand establishes a bit more. I recently moved all my blue legged hermits to my non-coral-friendly-fish only 40gal. when I moved my tanks. I took out the blue leggeds because I...
  11. trompet3

    opinions on # of inverts

    I already had my question of how many nassarius snails for a 90 gallon reef w/sand bed, but how many total would you put in of: 1. Ceriths (already have 20) 2. Emeralds (already have 5) 3. Scarlet hermits (already have 50) I feel like I don't have enough of either.
  12. trompet3

    electricians please help!!!

    It will stay in the on position, I just can't get any one of them to deliver electricity to that outlet.
  13. trompet3

    electricians please help!!!

    Ok, for kicks, I tried plugging it into another room and the same thing happened, so it's definitely the pump. Still, any ideas on how this could have happened? I'm finding out my warranty options now, I'm not sure how long I'm going to have to go without a return pump.:mad: One more...
  14. trompet3

    electricians please help!!!

    Also, is it 15amps maximum going into each plug or 15amps going to all the plugs/outlets that are running off that circuit? (I don't know if I'm using the term "circuit" correctly, but I'm talking about all the outlets going to that one switch in my box).
  15. trompet3

    electricians please help!!!

    When I do plug the pump in, there is an initial spark at the site and then the circuit blows. The pump is only a few weeks old. If it is indeed the pump, what could have caused the pump to short?
  16. trompet3

    electricians please help!!!

    I'm having an electricity crisis; not to sure on the electicity lingo, but here it goes... Last night I came home to my tank and the electricity had blew out to the outlets that my tank is plugged into. I went to the circuit breaker and found the switch for those outlets and turned it off and...
  17. trompet3

    Nassarius Snails

    How many of these guys is the recommended amount if you are not replacing crabs? I have a 90 gal. Thanks!
  18. trompet3

    quick ? re: adding sand via pvc

    I don't remember it being for cleaning the sand, I thought it had something to do with having trouble getting it in being dry?
  19. trompet3

    quick ? re: adding sand via pvc

    I am going to be adding "dead" sand, little by little to my tank which I just moved in order to a) avoid a cycle, and b) to hopefully limit the mess/cloudiness. I plan on adding it through a pvc tube. I remember a post a while back about possibly wetting the sand before pouring it down, but I...
  20. trompet3

    heaters: glass vs. titanium/steel

    Any disadvantage to the titanium? Which would you go with assuming they are the same price?