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  1. verde_ad

    What to test and Add

    you might want to test phosphates too. If you start having algae problems, this test will help you out a lot.
  2. verde_ad

    is this lighting overkill?

    I have a 250 watt hqi over a thirty gallon, so I think those lights would be fine over a 75. How would you mount them though, so you get even light dispersment? wouldn't one end of the tank look different then the other? I am just wondering, I am sure there is an answer for this.
  3. verde_ad

    lighting my new reef tank..need advice

    They sell them on this site. Bartholomea annulata is the scientific name for them. They look like aptasia in the pics, but I hope no one would be selling aptasia. That would be evil:mad:
  4. verde_ad

    VHO retro

    that is what I was thinking. Thanks for the help. I guess I will go with 1 65 watt pc. I am going to order the current usa 24" today. Thanks again, AJ
  5. verde_ad

    VHO retro

    I have a thirty gallon tank with a mh pendant over the top of it. I was wanting to add some VHO, but I don't have a hood to mount it. There is a wire shelf hanging over the top of the tank. is there any way to retro these lights onto the shelf?
  6. verde_ad


    Do you think a phosphate spunge would help. I have some I could add to the tank until the algae goes away.
  7. verde_ad


    thanks, I don't have a phosphate test, so I will pick one up. would it be normal for my trates to be at zero if my tank is just recently cycled? Are there any fish that would like to eat this stuff. I will pick up an emerald crab and some hermits tommarow.
  8. verde_ad


    Thanks, I just added ten astrea's about a week ago and haven't added any crabs. Are all hermits reef safe or are some not? I forget. So if I cut my lights back for now the problem may go away and then I can increase the light? I don't have any suplimental lighting, so if the halides are off, the...
  9. verde_ad


    OK, so i have been cycling my tank for about a month now and I am having a problem that I have never had durning cycling before. My water is all cloudy and algea is growing like crazy. I know that a lot of times this is just a phase, but this seems pretty bad. It doesn't seem to me that this...
  10. verde_ad

    New Lights

    were do you guys meet at? Is it up in Portland? I am about two hours from Portland, but I go up there some times. I used to live up there. Probably my favorite city I have ever been too. How do you go about becoming apart of a club?
  11. verde_ad

    New Lights

    They are pretty bright. It is only a thirty gallont tank, but it is twenty inches deep. What part of Oregon are you from?
  12. verde_ad

    New Lights

    wow, i didn't notice that this posted three times, oops.
  13. verde_ad

    New Lights

    Here is a closer one of how it is hanging. I can't drill into my ceiling, so I had to mount shelves to hang it from. I think it looks pretty good though and I now have shelving for more stuff.
  14. verde_ad

    New Lights

    I just got my new lights hooked up and I am very happy. I thought I would post a couple pics. It is a PFO mini pendant 250 watt hqi, with an Ice Cap Ballast and a 20k aqualine bulb.
  15. verde_ad

    New Lights

    I just got my new lights hooked up and I am very happy. I thought I would post a couple pics. It is a PFO mini pendant 250 watt hqi, with an Ice Cap Ballast and a 20k aqualine bulb. Any Comments or suggestions on things you see would be greatly apreciated.
  16. verde_ad

    New Lights

    I just got my new lights hooked up and I am very happy. I thought I would post a couple pics. It is a PFO mini pendant 250 watt hqi, with an Ice Cap Ballast and a 20k aqualine bulb.
  17. verde_ad

    LR and a dead shrimp now what?

    I agree with Caillou, waiting is the hardest part. I am cycling a tank right now and I am chomping at the bit. Trust me though, if you add things too soon and too fast they will die. That means hard earned dollars down the drain, not to mention one of the beautiful creatures we love to care for...
  18. verde_ad


    I have two options for both my Sump and My fuge. I have a 30 gal display and I need to get all the junk out of it. right now there is a skimmer and heater in there that need to go. I was thinking about using a ten gallon tank for my sump and then using a berlin style sump for my fuge. I will...
  19. verde_ad

    Amonia spikes???

    I had a bunch of rock in my tank that was dead and my ammonia stayed up for about a week. I also had ammonia, nitrite and nitrate all present at the same time. I had a lot of stuff deteriorating in my tank though.
  20. verde_ad

    ice cap ballast wiring

    Thanks for the help. I have been on that forum before. I had already asked a lot of questions about the wiring, so I thought I would give them a break. I finaly figured it out. I had a metal screw on the hinge to my stand, so I just attached it to that. Let me tell you the lights look great...