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  1. anonome

    I'm Big, I'm Baaad!! Cute pics.

    Got some really good pics of my large emerald crab....night pic with moonlights. He is something else....usually hides but at night he emerges and does all sorts of hamming!! He's been a model citizen. Enjoy. Anyone else have pics of their inverts doing crazy things? Post them here. Don't let...
  2. anonome


    They will do well, but be sure to run some carbon periodically if not 24/7 due to their warfare if you were to add any other type of coral. My figi yellow was always large and did well under pc lighting, but when I added halides it has doubled in size within a short period of being under...
  3. anonome

    Torch Coral Proximity

    Yours is pretty small now, but with proper care it will grow larger. I would say to be on the safe side I would leave about 3 inches all the way around. Less room on the upside of the current.
  4. anonome

    Ich? or healing fins

    Google Lymphocystis, to see if it looks like that. They are cauliflower looking clumps on the end of fish fins. It is a virus. I would remove it, not because it may be this, but I know from experience that it is no go for two males if the tank is not really big, 40gallons is not big enough.
  5. anonome

    Koran Changing or Has Disease?

    Sounds like it may be a water perameter problem. They are very sensitive to high nitrates, or ammonia. Ick doesn't usually change color.
  6. anonome

    Snail shell growth

    Welcome to the boards. Yes, snails will grow their shells, they obviously are not like hermits that steal bigger shells as they grow. Keep your calcium levels up, so they can continue to grow. Side note....each type of snail will only grow so much though depending on their species.....but I have...
  7. anonome

    Is there too much rock in my tank

    I agree, it doesn't look bad if this is the type of tank that you want, but the middle....above the two corraline encrusted rocks looks really jambed packed. Try taking some out, and rearranging the rock to allow more flow, and room for the fish to swim in and out. You may be surprised that you...
  8. anonome

    My new orange betta

    Not bad for $1.99!!
  9. anonome

    My new orange betta

    Just your typical fish store. I went in for frozen fish food, and came out with food and a betta!! He is really pretty in person, these pics really don't show off his colors. When he comes around, I will try to get one of him flaring up. Awesome!!
  10. anonome

    Mandarin green

    My questions: How old is the reef tank? How much live rock? Do you have a refugium? What is the gender of the one in the reef now? And what is the gender of the one in the 65g? If they are the same gender....females ok, two males no! I have a very established 125 reef tank with well over 175 lbs...
  11. anonome

    My new orange betta

    I just got this one yesterday, very pretty, but still shy. I did a search, and found out that it is somewhat rare. It is totally orangy tangerine color. I can't wait for it to fill out. I lost my 4 yr old betta.....yes, you read right....4 plus yrs old, a few months ago and have been looking for...
  12. anonome

    how big?

    Originally Posted by sawtydog just wondering how big does a coral beauty, sabea clown, and damsels get? there are four types of damsels in my tank blue damsel, yellow damsel domino damsel and four strip damsel. also wanted to share that i see alot of post say that damsels are hard to catch, I...
  13. anonome

    Ro Water???????????

    Ro water takes out chlorine, and other impuritents but also takes out oxygen, be sure to add circulation at least to any new water added. It is the purest of water.
  14. anonome

    Siganus unimaculatus - One Spot Foxface Rabbitfish

    Thanks for the picture, I see what you mean about not wanting to start from scratch.....beautiful tank. At this point I would probably see if the foxface will eat the caulerpa, if not your only other option is to hand harvest it. Nice tank.......good luck with it.
  15. anonome

    difference between reef safe and coral safe

    Glad I could help, but like the previous poster said what is your "wish list" for your tank once your lights come in. Your lights will definately determine what can be put in there as far as a reef tank. (corals, clams etc.)
  16. anonome

    difference between reef safe and coral safe

    You have the start of a reef tank.....minus corals. Or invert tank with fish. Most reef tanks mean that you have live rock, coral, with shrimp, crabs, snails and peaceful fish. Everyone gets along.
  17. anonome

    Siganus unimaculatus - One Spot Foxface Rabbitfish

    It is absolutely normal for any fish to be a little shy when first introduced into a tank. The foxface is no different. The fact that he is eating is a very good sign, as well as staying a brilliant yellow during the day. I am a little concerned though that he is a 29 gallon tank. But, if you...
  18. anonome

    difference between reef safe and coral safe

    A good scenario is the hawk fish, called reef safe.....won't hurt corals, but will eat inverts....shrimp, snails, etc. When searching for a fish for reef tanks you have to look at what it eats in the wild.
  19. anonome

    trying to find a picture

    Mujtba did a thread on his hippo being locked down by a clam. Do a search...Jaws of death.
  20. anonome

    FOxface black spots?

    Water perameter problems will cause this, also stress. Is it being bullied? Most likely it is due to water quality.