Search results

  1. anonome

    Check out my new Tang!

    He is a beauty!! The spots could very well be black ick, or spots from stress. Did you quarantine him prior to entry into the main tank? What are your perameters? What size tank? What else is in the tank? All of these will help us.
  2. anonome

    Do not stock too quickly

    Originally Posted by Fishy4991 so if I have one just placed in the DT, can I buy one that month to put in my QT? I don't have a tank yet but I will in a couple of months Yes, the normal quarantine period is at least 21 days, (for previously quarantined fish) but, 28-30 days is normal for fish...
  3. anonome

    No QT

    I agree. When I first started in this hobby I must confess that I too never quarantined my fish.....nor did I know of this site.....and all of those first fish are long gone. Many dollars thrown out the window, and unfortunately for the fish that were taken from their happy home in the ocean to...
  4. anonome

    Post pics of your favorite LPS coral

    Still my favorite, and probably always will be. It was my first coral. A Fox coral. And one of my second favorite....candy cane. Actually, the list can go on and on. LOL.
  5. anonome

    Gardening question....

    Well darn. But, I was kind of thinking that it was too good to be true. Thanks for the replies. Glad I asked before spending the money.
  6. anonome

    Gardening question....

    Have any of you ever used one of those coil type garden hoses? I am fascinated with the idea, but don't know if it will get all tangled up in itself after a few uses. I have many flower beds, and anything to help is what I am looking for. (besides underground sprinklers)
  7. anonome

    what do you do for work?

    I'm a dental assistant for a large scale, state of the art, cosmetic dental office, 23 yrs. Need your teeth whitened?
  8. anonome

    This Web site

    Yes, welcome and ask away......
  9. anonome

    I am soo happy, first time this ever happen to me

    Awesome.......what do babies eat?
  10. anonome


    I believe there is a waiting time period....I want to say 90 days, but not sure. I see you just registered this month, you have a waiting period. Do a search, I think this was just answered. Welcome to the boards.
  11. anonome

    New use for mushrooms.

    Interesting. Never heard of this.
  12. anonome

    my reef of 14 months

    Originally Posted by cmaxwell39 Gorgeous tank. I just noticed that you have two different clowns in that tank. I have always heard not to mix species of clowns in the same tank. How do they get along in yours? I really like the montis and the clams as well. Have to agree, I have a super...
  13. anonome

    Finally my new mandarin

    She is in your 180g right? If so, congrats on a very healthy one....nice and pleasantly plump!! Good luck. She is beauty pageant ready.
  14. anonome

    Scopus tang did it happen

    Originally Posted by matt2364 no one? Someone please just answer me this: Could a coral branded shrimp catch a tang? If so, would he try eat the whole thing or just kill it and let it sit there? Thanks for everyones responses in advance. I know that each CB shrimp has a different temperment...
  15. anonome

    mushroom multiplication

    Absolutely, they only multiply when all your levels are on target. They are considered one of the easier corals to keep.
  16. anonome

    surface sludge

    Add more surface aggitation....powerhead flow towards the surface to disturb it.
  17. anonome

    mushroom multiplication

    It really depends on the type of mushrooms. I have 3 different types, but only one keeps multiplying. No adversion to mushrooms, but if you are trying to go more on the sps corals they will cause havoc.
  18. anonome

    What is this stuff? *Pics*

    It is indeed a type of caulerpa, but with that size of tank your only bet is to start pulling it out. It will start to overrun your tank quickly. Herbivores will quickly make a meal of it, but like you said the good ones are too big for that size of tank. Keep it manageable if you want it to...
  19. anonome

    been gone-some recent pics

    Glad to see you are always, the tank look great. That blue enchinata is sweet. Good luck with it.....may it grow big.
  20. anonome

    Candy Cane Position

    They like plenty of light, so up on the rocks is best. I have two, and both are in the upper half of the tank on rocks.