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  1. chaseter

    poor firefish

    Sorry for your loss:( That said, you can have mine. All he does is hide all day and only comes out to eat. Him and the goby hang out in the cave and it makes me angry.
  2. chaseter

    SOVIETTACO's 24g Nano-Cube Diary

    I have a tiny cleaner and two peppermint. I was going to get a pistol shrimp but I will wait and do it when I upgrade to a bigger tank next year.
  3. chaseter

    Spanko's bio cube, what in Posiden's name is he up to now?

    I love your ricordea! I just got a blue one. They are so beautiful.
  4. chaseter

    My Yellow Banded Maroon is hosting!

    The candy cane is right next to the glass. I will have to sneak a pic because when I get close he thinks he is going to be fed and automatically heads to the top.
  5. chaseter

    Stocklist for 150 gallon FOWLR tank.

    Niger Triggers are beautiful, but they get huge!
  6. chaseter

    My Yellow Banded Maroon is hosting!

    A candy cane coral..............................................................??? It stays away from my anemone, it stays away from my torch coral, it stays away from my frogspawn, from my hammer...but it chooses to host a candy cane coral. WTF!? At night, it goes over to the candy cane and...
  7. chaseter

    SOVIETTACO's 24g Nano-Cube Diary

    Really nice tank! Your torch coral and your sexy shrimp are awesome!
  8. chaseter

    Quick ID Help...thanks!

    My tank is already full:( I have a 14 with a baby yellow watchmen, a firefish, and a juvenile yellow stripe maroon. I can't put in any more fishies. But, my cerith snails laid eggs about a month ago and now I have tiny little snails every where. I just wanted to make sure this guy was a-okay...
  9. chaseter

    Help with anemones

    I feed my long tentacle by hand. It grabs it whenever it gets close.
  10. chaseter

    chaseter's biocube nano extravaganza

    I splurged today and bought: hammer coral frag frogspawn frag blue ricordea frag Already in my tank is a torch coral frag, a ton of zoas, and some yellow polyps.
  11. chaseter

    Quick ID Help...thanks!

    I read that they breed like rabbits. If I start noticing a lot, I will bag some and be happy to trade some off! I will keep you updated Spanko.
  12. chaseter

    Big Trouble Help Quick!!!

    All the rock, sand, and fish don't have to go in the same container right? I agree...I would put the rock and fish in one, and the sand in the other. I doubt it is good for your fish to be ingesting sand particles and other particulate you stirred up. Plus, a big change like that may start...
  13. chaseter

    Quick ID Help...thanks!

    Back he goes in then! Thanks! I guess he hitched off of some LR? Does any place sell critters like this? I have never seen any critter like this for sale on any site or lfs.
  14. chaseter

    Big Trouble Help Quick!!!

    What kind of stand was it? Homemade or store bought? What was it made out of? Just give us a heads up so that we don't make the same mistake.
  15. chaseter

    Quick ID Help...thanks!

    So are they safe? Are they cleaners?
  16. chaseter

    Big Trouble Help Quick!!!

    Yeah as meowzer said, get a rubbermaid tote or big plastic container and drain a lot of the water into it. Then, put your fish and coral in it with the powerhead. Drain some more water off until you get everything out, take down the tank, take out the stand, get you a new stand tomorrow, and put...
  17. chaseter

    Quick ID Help...thanks!

    It looks like that yeah but it is totally black.
  18. chaseter

    Quick ID Help...thanks!

    It's not a worm, it's some sort of mollusk/snail:
  19. chaseter

    Quick ID Help...thanks!

    It is too tiny for a picture. I will try to suck it out and quarantine it to take a picture. If not, I will remove the LR and try to take care of it. If it is friendly then I will put it back in.
  20. chaseter

    Quick ID Help...thanks!

    I just noticed this thing crawling around. It is a black worm with what looks like a hard/skeletal head and it eats with a suction cup. It is little, less than half an inch. What is it? Do I need to remove it? Thanks! It looks like it's head is egg shaped, sort of looks like a black tick, and I...