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  1. who dey

    show off your meat corals

    very nice, I knew i couldn't be the only one :cheer:
  2. who dey

    got this today

    Originally Posted by pohtr me too, what's the rip off? like joncat said should have been around 40 bucks
  3. who dey

    show off your meat corals

    Originally Posted by pohtr Do they have any special requirements, more so than other corals? He's beautiful! i have him under VHO's and feed him krill once a week. He's about 2 years old and has grown very fast. Started around 5" in diam and when fully extended after feeding he's grown up to...
  4. who dey

    show off your meat corals

    Originally Posted by richarl5 that is a cool coral! too bad i'm not ready for one yet... thanks! I havn't seen another one since i got it. Hoping someone on here has one also
  5. who dey

    show off your meat corals

    i can't be the only one with one of these beautiful corals. The color changes are amazing
  6. who dey

    got this today

    Originally Posted by joncat24 never been tothat one...heard alot of good stuff about them though....maybe I will save the trip...LOL good quality stuff. That damn brain was 79bucks unreal
  7. who dey

    got this today

    just about fish, beechmont ave cincy
  8. who dey

    got this today

    brain. I got ripped off. Oh well, thats the nature of the hobby if you're an impulse buyer
  9. who dey

    **updated** 600 Gallon Pics (first fish)

    that is a really cool tank
  10. who dey

    i kinda like this one...

    nice pic. Does ur female pick on ur male like mine does on occasion??
  11. who dey

    Tanks W/O Sumps

    Originally Posted by fishieness hey. my 40 breeder is without a sump. my mom is afraid of any more water in my room. for equiptment i am jsut running carbon, phosban, and an aqua C remora pro with upgraded pump and the preskimming box. i had a coralife super skimmer 65 on there along with it...
  12. who dey

    Keeping your tank clean.

    Originally Posted by d0 thy d3w what is that thing?? i want one lol thats a tiger cowrey. Really cool. I originally got him to help control hair algae as i got my phosphates down and he's one of the coolest creatures in marine life!
  13. who dey

    protein skimmer

    the combination of air mixed with water pushes organic solids ie.. fish poop to the top of the skimmer creating a dry foam (sea foam) which is collected in the collection chamber and disposed of. Helps keep water parameters in check.
  14. who dey

    Just introducing myself

  15. who dey


    IMO you can add it anywhere you want as long as ur testing for it
  16. who dey

    My Sailfin Tang! lol

    my PB tang does that too!!
  17. who dey

    planning on getting started...

    Originally Posted by jguad rumor has it that my little brother is giving me his old 20G tank. now i am not new to the fish world, as i've been keeping africans and a mixed tank for a while. but i have always been fascinated with salt water. i don't plan on doing anything till atleast june (i...
  18. who dey

    Keeping your tank clean.

    he got the Janitor of the year award!! :cheer:
  19. who dey

    freshwater question im a newb

    Originally Posted by team2jndd my mom just got one of those bettas from a doctor she works with becuase i guess he cant handle it i dont know. (scares me to think that the guy who cant take care of a betta does surgery) ANYWAY, i dont know alot about freshwater fish and I wanted to put live...
  20. who dey

    Saddam Hussein Hung!

    Originally Posted by ryanhayes9 Crime in cincinnati has gone to amazing new highs because of lack of jail space and XXXXX voters not voting for the tax to build a new larger one. I'll do the crime because there are no beds for me in the jail. I swear if people were hanged on fountain...