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  1. who dey

    Algae Problem - Help

    Originally Posted by 30-xtra high that is so overcreowded. I can't believe your stupidity. do you not research before you buy fish? you cant have the foxface the yellow tang either of the hippos and probably about 4 of the other fish. don't try to fix the algae if you plan on keeping those...
  2. who dey

    bored on thursday....lots of pics

    always love ur pics bro
  3. who dey

    Skimmer not producing any more waste why?

    Originally Posted by Tome Maybe you need to clean the air line. Mine does that, and I suck some water up the airline and then blow it back out. I do this to clean out the salt build-up inside my air hose, and it starts to work perfectly again.
  4. who dey

    hair alge problem

    you say ur po4 reads.01 phos but it won't be accurate. If you have hair algae you have higher concentrations of po4 than what ur reading. Run phosban consistantly and you will see ur algae die off in a few weeks
  5. who dey


    Originally Posted by windsurfman :help: HELP I recently bought a protein skimmer, and after it was running for a short time my anemone decreased in size dramadically. The skimmer is releasing lots of air bubbles into my tank. My impression is that to many air bubbles are bad for the critters...
  6. who dey

    lost my powder blue

    Originally Posted by MichaelTX on that one where he was fine and just a short time later started looking bad and dieing i would check for stray voltage in the tank thats awful fast for anything else I can think of anyway. mike this may sound somewhat retarded (ive been drinking) My condo does...
  7. who dey

    lost my powder blue

    i think it was bang guy who had a powder in a 55 for 8 years :notsure: i had less than average amts of LR to increase swimming room for him
  8. who dey

    lost my powder blue

    Originally Posted by Catawaba Was he in a 55g? like your profile indicates? was waiting for that. People have had tangs in 55gs for over 5 years. as i stated earlier no signs of stress so i'm not going to blame the tank size
  9. who dey

    lost my powder blue

    it was posted here for more exposure to site members. anyway, my params are always perfect amm 0 trates 0 trites 0 ph 80-82 Phosphate 0 Calc 400 sg 1.025 he was a little over 2 years old
  10. who dey

    lost my powder blue

    not sure what happened??? was feeding time everyone ate very well, I went to taco bell came back and he was breathing heavy and laying upside down between two pieces of LR. No signs of ich or any obviously visable unhealthy condition?? Puzzled :thinking: He was the best fish ever!!
  11. who dey

    show off your brains

  12. who dey

    so how am I doing?

    looks great!! love the skull
  13. who dey

    show off your meat corals

    Originally Posted by 30-xtra high who dey, was that a CBS? how are they with your corals? the cbs steals the krill out of the corals mouth sometimes during feeding. Thats the only problem
  14. who dey

    a few of my friends

    Originally Posted by reefreak29 thats an awsome powder blue tang , wish i could get one thanks he's the king. I hand feed him
  15. who dey

    Grass or Algae growth??

    can you take a pic??
  16. who dey

    sharin some pics

    very nice
  17. who dey

    a few of my friends

    my massive toadstool and some of my buddies :cheer:
  18. who dey

    show off your meat corals

    Originally Posted by cwgibson what is the name of this coral? some call it a meat coral. Not sure of the scientific name :notsure:
  19. who dey

    show off your meat corals

    Originally Posted by paulcoates mine is only a few weeks old. He is sitting at the bottom of my 55 reef with 260W PC. He is eating well though. I have him several pieces of mysis today and his lips puckered right up. My LFS has a red one, but it is $169. A little too rich for my blood wow a...