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  1. bob the builder


    Well, for one you cant have 2 angles in the same tank. They will fight and the stronger one, will win the fight <img src="graemlins//dead.gif" border="0" alt="[dead]" /> . so, you cant have 2 angles. Heres what you could get for a 75: 1) a small yellow eyed tang 2) a small bi-color angle...
  2. bob the builder

    no moderator?

    Well, i would love to be mod, just my $0.02. Get it! NM reef said "if you want my vote, just send in $$$$$". Then i said, just my 2 cents, Ok, i'll stop now... :D
  3. bob the builder

    Good Idea

    Yes, this should help out a lot. Most of the people in the reef forum talk about very complicated things, and is not the best place to learn how to do thing right, and what things are(like the sps). This is a place to go slow, talk things over, see how to do this, and what this is, and what is...
  4. bob the builder


    I have a 85, that is really close. 1) are you planning on having a reef, or a fish only tank? 2) are you planing on having LR? 3) when these fish get bigger, are you planing on putting them in a bigger tank? 4) in a 75, you can not have 2 tangs. Tangs are grazing fish that are herbivours. 2 of...
  5. bob the builder

    What does SPS stand for?

    Frogger, im sorry for maing you 10th. But if i made you 5483 person(which i dont think there are even that many people), then the whole member posting this would be ruined! Just wanted to say that. If you really dont want to be 10th, i will make you 5483...if you want to.
  6. bob the builder

    Bristle worm? or what? (picture)

    No, thank you javajoe! Now i have something to put in the "best advice ever" post in the new forum. :)
  7. bob the builder

    Sun coral pics

    WOW! That is really cool! Lets give a thumbs up for Q ! That would be the next coral i buy, how much was it?
  8. bob the builder

    Bristle worm? or what? (picture)

    Sounds exactely like a: Bobbit worm. I have had many of these in my reef. Here is some info: The bobbit worm flips its jaws out of its head to seize its victoms, then pumps poison into it. this worm is able to draw dissolved metals out of the water, and store them in its jaws, making them very...
  9. bob the builder

    Are tube anemones dyed that color?

    C'mon people. Only 4 people BOTHRED to look at this post, while 17 people botherd to look at which BBQ suace was the best. Thats just not right.
  10. bob the builder

    What does SPS stand for?

    Why sure...
  11. bob the builder

    refugium pics

    Originally posted by cmpowell: <strong>since this wonderful hobby is all new to me i'll ask.what is the green stuff and what is it for? :cool: </strong><hr></blockquote> The gren stuff is calepra algea, it is used for a food source and NM reef is growing it cuase it cant be in his tank for...
  12. bob the builder

    Are tube anemones dyed that color?

    I have a really awsome tube anemone that has orange tenticles and a bright green middle. Are they dyed these colors so people will buy them(like a yellow seabe?)? Or, is it 100% all natural? Thanks way in advance.
  13. bob the builder

    Best piece of advice...

    Go slow is the way to go! Rush=fail Also, javajoes ID post=Bobbit worm. Some posts around here. Mostly go slow, and read.
  14. bob the builder

    no moderator?

    Originally posted by NM reef: <strong>I vote we sell votes for the new hobbist forum shark....send cash only!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!LMAO....have fun ya'all!!!</strong><hr></blockquote> UHHHH, put me down for 5 tickets for bob the builder for shark forum. How much will that be?
  15. bob the builder

    What does SPS stand for?

    This is going to be a long list but here is goes: Firsts persons to post in this new forum: 1) NM reef 2) Clownfish_and_bettas 3) Bob the Builder 4) Ruaround 5) Wamp 6) Sea Wraith 7) Saltwaterlover 8) Heavenly Damsel 9) Bieque 10) Frogger 11)jsolomon 12) Richard Rendos 13) Demosthenes 14)10k 15)...
  16. bob the builder

    Too Deep

    About 90-105 pounds would be good for a 55 w/ a 6-7 inch DSB. Just dont make it too big...
  17. bob the builder

    What does SPS stand for?

    UURRRGG... Always remember and never forget, i was the third person to post here. :)
  18. bob the builder

    no moderator?

  19. bob the builder


    Right on, Well said, Agreed, Nice, Couldnt agree more...
  20. bob the builder

    no moderator?

    Sea wraith, the pic doesnt come out...