Search results

  1. spline9

    storing salt

    Moisture. It should be fine. I have a bag of salt thats solid. I heard of some people leaving a stick in the middle of the bucket. When the salt gets solid, just move the stick and it will break up. Some people simply give the bucket a good kick to break it up. With my bag, I just drop it from a...
  2. spline9

    I may have a bacterial issue...

    Try posting this in the disease and treatment forum. They might know better there.
  3. spline9

    Cleaner Shrimp

    Skunk cleaners are far from shy. Mine likes to be out in the open where it can get a good view of me. It definately knows me as a food source and when theres food in the tank, it has no problems grabbing for much more than it can possibly fit in its mouth. A lot of times I have to make sure its...
  4. spline9

    Current orbit lighting

    That all depends on the size of your tank, how deep it is, what type of bulbs youre running and how many watts the unit puts out.
  5. spline9

    ID and update

    spline9 ~ Thank you very much! Anytime! :) There are aquarium epoxies available for your glueing needs. I would recommend only using them as a last resort, though. Over time you will end up collecting more rock (ie: when you get new coral), or you need to remove some (to get to something like...
  6. spline9

    Cant get mantis

    This may work; If you can find the rock its in, remove the rock and place it in a bucket of tank water. Then use a turkey baster to shoot freshwater in its cave, that might get it out. If it does, then pull the LR out before it can go back into it.
  7. spline9

    ID Please

    You can also make a paste out of some kalkwasser and basically feed the anemone a small blob of it. The aptasia will almost immediately melt after taking it in. I also heard injecting with concentrated lemon juice works, too.
  8. spline9

    ID ..Please...?

    I agree with viper. Asterina. Its not a baby, they are normally that small. Shouldnt be a problem in the tank. There are a few different types of this kind of starfish but most, as far as I understand, are peaceful.
  9. spline9

    Recommend a Good LFS in SoCal Area

    Was it near a park? I looked at and found a business near the Safari Inn you stayed in. Maybe I'll take a trip out there and check it out. Thanks!
  10. spline9

    Lagoon Pic

    Excellent! Glad to have finally helped out somebody whos usually the one helping. Heh. is a good resource for information on anything photo related. It even has user submitted reviews on businesses incase you were wondering about a particular company you wanted to order from. Some...
  11. spline9

    Lagoon Pic

    Thanks for the tip! I'll try to find one. If nothing else I can just tape a filter from my SLR over the lens. Your image confesses that you used a Kodak DC290 to take that pic. Kodak makes a threaded adapter (Item 867 5027) for this camera to take 37mm lenses. Lens Adapter for KODAK...
  12. spline9


    I am not by any means an authority in lighting but I would say 34 watts is definately not enough. To be safe, I would say no less than 96 watts (a typical PC bulb wattage) but that might even be stretching it. So, before getting any corals, upgrade first. In case you werent sure, N.O. = normal...
  13. spline9

    Lagoon Pic

    Definately an impressive setup. You definately know your stuff when it comes to this hobby. I do recommend using a circular polarizer filter for your camera if your camera accepts attachments. It will help reduce the reflection on the waters surface making it more clear (and may help colors, too).
  14. spline9

    Have you seen a star

    Since I had to do a search to know for myself, I assume there are others who dont know as well... Strombus alatus = Florida Fighting Conch
  15. spline9

    ID Please

    I have a sponge just like that one. I love the color. Whats neat is that mine has a polyp growing out from the middle of the mass. I think the polyp was there first and the spone grew around it. Its cool anyhow. :)
  16. spline9

    newbie getting stupid

    Haha, I've stared into my tank for unusual amounts of time (like the rest of us) but I have yet to fall asleep in front of it. I cant imagine the horror my fish would experience with my unconcious face pressed on the steamed up (and drooled on) glass. Maybe my compassion for the little guys is...
  17. spline9


    AquaC Remora/Urchins are also choice skimmers as well so I hear. Not nearly as expensive as EuroReefs but a good bang for the buck.
  18. spline9


    I agree. Definately not enough light, especially if its N.O. light. I believe rics also require a little more light than normal mushrooms.
  19. spline9

    ID and update

    A nice setup you got there. Very clean! *envy* I do have a suggestion/critique for ya... Personally, I'm a huge fan of arches, caves and tunnels. Also, try to avoid symmetry. Your rock formation is fairly level across the tank. Have some higher high points and some low points as well. Include...
  20. spline9

    feeding corals

    I've seen acrylic feeding sticks at the LFS for sale. I forget who makes them, though. Apparenly it claims to be "invisible" to fish. I'm sure you could go and just get a bamboo skewer to do the same (but less stealthy) job.